💛 Prom 💛

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Seulmin fluff

"We get a lot of good response from the students, so I guess we will continue with this sexy and chic theme." Yerim, the leader of management for students' council reported.

Seulgi sighed instantly, trying hard to stay slow but unfortunately doesn't go unnoticed for the male who is sitting right beside her.

"Seul, why? Are you having any objection with the theme?" Jimin asked in concern.

She snapped her head up, eyes travelling all over the room, realizing that she is under all the eleven pair of eyes.

"Oh," She gasped, cursing mentally while busy thinking for an excuse for her sudden sigh. "I just felt that it is too mature and revealing, and I think all the people there will get sexual frustrated or maybe the girls will wear such bikinis, the boys will get advantage and the dance floor will turn to grinding floor."

Her respond makes almost all of them lost their words, probably because she is the one who suggested it a week ago, and they basically took it as a final decision because after all, it is rare.

"No, I mean-" Seulgi gulped, regretting her own words. "Sorry, I'm being a little sensitive today. There is nothing wrong with that theme actually."

"Actually, it is alright if they want to wear the sexiest clothes in this world or grind against each other because after all, we're college students and mature enough to handle this. And for the ones who wear bikinis, I swear that they're selling themselves, they're some cheap bitches." Yoongi said savagely.

"Agree." Joohyun said. "They have turned adult, seul, it is a common thing. Besides, you're the one who suggest this first."

Seulgi nodded, faking her smile to show that her worries are resolved, even though the theme is not her real problem.

"So it seems like this friday's night will be fun and wild. Can't wait to see their response for our whole management." Seungwan said.

"By the way, our president, do you already have a partner?" Jungkook asked, eyebrow wiggled teasingly.

"What a stupid question. Jimin is one of the most popular role model in school, he has all the girls wrapped in his hands. Aren't you, Jimin?" Sooyoung asked.

Seulgi pursed her lips, heart thumping to hear his answer.

That's her real trouble why she is nervous about this whole prom thing.

Jimin's sparkling eyes met her for a few seconds, before he smiles slightly at the others. "Maybe? There is a girl that catch my eyes, but I don't really ask her yet."

Seulgi's heart squeezed, it felt like dropping on the floor. She only sigh silently while the others going aww at his response.

"I really hope you will change someone to be at Mina's place. I'm getting annoyed with her. How could you bare with her for all the previous proms and events? She is acting like you're her official boyfriend when you just accepted her because she was bugging you every seconds." Seokjin said.

Seulgi fisted her hands under the table, remember that Mina had been Jimin's partner for all these years, no matter what events or assignments they had. There is no way he is gonna asking her to be his partner this year. But for once, she hopes he will, because this is their last senior year.

"How about our vice president?" Hoseok asked, letting everyone pay attention to her who immediately control her facial expression at the sudden mention. "Seulgi?"

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