❤️ Shoes ❤️

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Vrene fluff

The girl slid the strands of her hair that covered her eyes behind her ear as she bent down.

The brown boots fit perfectly around her legs. She smiled in satisfied as she fixed her outfit.

Stepping casually, she grabbed a cab, telling the driver to drive her to the mall.

As she arrived there, her eyes casually roamed over the building before she started to explore.

A girl's common likes, shopping.

She isn't like the others rich people, buying all the stuffs without any specific reason. She only buy it if there is a need, or if she is just in her mood.

Her eyes caught a pair of sneakers that have some polka dots design on it. It is also in pastel colour, just like her taste.

She walked towards it, and was about to reach it when a hand snatched it before she could.

She flinched as she lifted her head, meeting a guy's face. She is starstruck by his visual, but not until she realized that he just took her dream shoes.

She is not a determined type of person, but the shoes is just too cute to resist. "Wait, sir. I think I saw it first."

The guy looked at her, eyeing her for a while. "Oh, really? Pity you, I got it first." He said in a very arrogant voice.

"Can't you let it go for me? I really want it." She said, still not giving up nor mad by his rude attitude.

"First comes, first serve. Sorry girl." He smiled sarcastically, before walking pass her to the cashier.

She got speechless, either not having any other excuse to make the guy stops buying.

"Why does the guy like him buy that kind of shoes at the first place?" She frowned.

"That must be for his girlfriend. Lucky girl." She shrugged away her own question, before stepping out from the shop with disappointment.


She is sipping her hot chocolate in a cafe until her phone was ringing. Looking at the caller ID, a cheerful smile formed on her lips as she slid her finger.

"Hello, eomma?"

"Hello, Joohyun. Where are you? You seems like in a good mood."

"Not too good after an incident. I just looked around the new mall that just finished their renovation, now is having a lunch at the cafe. Why?"

"I've set a blind date for you. Make sure to come to our family restaurant by 2 p.m."

"Eomma, I've told you that I don't interested in relationship yet." She groaned in mess.

"If we wait for you to ready, I bet that I'll never get any grandchildren later."

"Eomma, I'm not going." She said.

"You need to. I'm not cancelling it again. I have cancelled thrice before, hyun. Plus this is not an arrange married, don't have to be scared of."

"Eomma, please. I promise that I'll find a man soon. Just by my own, not through the useless blind date." She begged.

"You better keep your promise, hyun. I put all the effort in this plan yet still have to cancel it."

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