❤️ Work Out ❤️

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Vrene fluff

Joohyun checked the warm bottle which full with honey lemon tea before her lips curved into a smile.

She tapped the bell button, and she did not have to wait for a minute for the door to open.

"Oh, Joohyun noona. Taehyung is not here. He went out to the gym in this early morning." Jimin said, giving her an eyesmile.

"Early morning? But it is already 2 p.m. now." Joohyun said, frowning.

Since when does he like to work out?

"I don't know either. He just informed us that. I've tried to call him if he wants to have lunch at dorm, but he did not answer." He said.

"Oh, thank you for the information, Jimin. I'll check on his usual gym place." She said, placing her frown with a smile.

"Noona," Jimin called her when she is about to turn around.

"Please comfort him. He is a little off lately, and it worried all of us. I hope he will open up to you." He said, with hope in his eyes.

Joohyun feels like her heart cracking to hear that his boyfriend has a problem.

"Sure, I'll."


Joohyun entered the private gym that usually use by idols.

The gym is surprisingly near to empty, especially that not so many idols having comebacks at these times.

Searching and roaming her eyes around for a while, she caught a familiar figure laying down on the floor, breathing heavily.

"Taehyung?" She called, and the latter looked at her direction. He is wearing a sleeveless black shirt.

That depressed eyes, she really hates to see those.

She stepped closer to him after putting the tea bottle on the trampoline, as he closed his eyes back again. Sitting next to him, she lifted his head slightly, placing it on her lap.

She immediately grabbed the towel that linked around his neck when she saw the layer of sweats all over his face and neck. She wiped them softly.

"Why did you work out this eagerly? You need to rest for your upcoming performance. You're still under promotion." She reminded carefully, not wanting to stress him out.

"Hyun," He called, but when she stopped to look at him, nothing come out from his mouth.

She put the towel aside, still waiting for him to continue his words.

"Why can't I have abs like Jungkook and Jimin?"

The question slipped out from him, and it leaves her speechless for a second.

"Why? Is that what bothering you?" She asked. "You always can, but you have no need to."

"Liar. Everyone asked when will I have abs and muscles like them. When will I get to show them my abs and everything." He asked, still closing his eyes.

"Hey, look." Joohyun forced him to sit up, before making him faced her. "Who said that?"

"Armys, of course. And I also keep asking the same question to myself." He said.

"Hear this. You're yourself. You're Kim Taehyung, not Park Jimin or Jeon Jungkook nor their shadows. You have your own way to show yourself." She said, staring at him lovingly, which he replied with the look that make her heart beating widely.

"But it gets me frustrated. Like everyone love and admire Jungkook for having abs. Literally, all fans scream when he shows it. It stressed me that I've nothing to show."

"If you think like that, I guess I need to love Jungkook now." She said.

He was taken aback at her cold tone. "Really Bae Joohyun?"

"Yes, because everyone needs to love someone who have abs to show, instead of someone who just being himself." She said sarcastically, standing up. "Someone told me that, just now."

She walked away, and her heart automatically skipped a beat when a pair of arms linked around her tiny waist, pulling her close.

Even though he is sweating, she did not even feel disgust to be that close with him.

"I'm sorry. I understand now. I'm wrong. Sorry." He muttered, his breath hit her bare neck.

She turned around, while Taehyung doesn't bother to move his arms from her waist, staring down at her.

"Don't say sorry to me. Feel that to yourself. You suffered yourself, and almost killing your body silently." She scolded him softly, ruffling his hair, making it becomes messier.

"Don't believe what your fans and haters say. You still look hot, even without abs." She said, and blushed hardly at her own confession.

"Really?" He smirked, lifting her chin up to face him.

Once their eyes meet, they fall in love with each other once again, deeply and hardly.

"I love you, no matter how you're. Unless you become someone else." She muttered.

Finally, Taehyung cracked into a smile, seeing her face turns redder after saying that.

His big and warm hand cupped her cheek, before leaning in her. Their noses touched slightly, before he pressed his lips fully on hers.

"Thank you for loving me." He managed to mumble between the kiss.

Just a short lame one shot before going to sleep!

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