💜 A Daily Song 💜

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Jungri angst + fluff

This story was written based on Hwang Chiyeol's song; A Daily Song. Turn on the caption in the video above to read the meaning. It is such a beautiful song, so I made it up to the story. It is not 100% similar with the meaning or the music video, so don't expect much from this untalented author!


"Kim Yerim, come in." The teacher called.

A girl with natural black hair stepped into the class. She is holding a small pink mp3 and a pair of earphone tightly, as if it is very important in her life. Her face showed how much she anticipates for her new class.

"Introduce yourself."

"Hi, I'm Kim Yerim from Seoul. I need to follow my father who just changed his work place today, so here I am. You can call me Yeri. Please take care of me well." She introduced with a slight bow at the end.

The students clapped their hand, accepting her. Her smile grew even wider, as her eyes travelled all over the class.

Her eyes stopped at a boy who sit at the back of the class. He is staring at her with his cold eyes, which sent a shiver to her. He has that bored expression on his face, but there is a glint of interests in his eyes.

"You can sit there, beside Saeron. Saeron, raise your hand." The teacher said.

Yeri reached out her neck, searching for the student that was mentioned by her teacher. A blonde girl lifted up her hand.

Yeri bowed to the teacher before walking to her new seat. Realizing that she will sit right in front of the cold boy, she heaved a deep sigh silently.

"Nice to meet you, Yeri." Saeron showed her eyesmile.

"Me too." She responded. She managed to glance at the boy once again, and he is doodling something in his book, totally oblivious with the teacher who is already starting the lecture.


Yeri plugged her precious silver earphone into her ears, not minding her new classmates who are barging out from the class to the cafe.

"Don't you want to go recess? This school's cafe has something that you really can't resist to eat." Saeron said, inviting her to come with her.

"No, it's okay. I'm dieting." She answered with a little lie.

There is no way she is gonna to be in a diet, she is a food-lover. But it is her usual routine on school break, that's why.

Their conversation got cut with a scoff from their back. They both turned back slightly. The cold boy ignored them, as his face became cold again. He stood up, before leaving them alone in the class.

"Well, he is usually like that. Let him be." Saeron shrugged her shoulder.

"Really? What is his name?" Yeri asked as her eyes followed the boy from his back.

"Jeon Jungkook. There is a rumor that he always beats some students behind the school building. So better stay away from him." She answered.

Yeri nodded, understand. But she is not sure about staying away from him just because of some stupid rumors that don't have any proof or witness.

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