💛 Fine 💛

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Seulmin Angst

The jacket slid off her shoulders naturally, before falling on the chair. She made her way to the comfy bed, before letting her body resting on it.

She closed her eyes, her mind slowly shut, but not until she felt the aches from her sore feet, which is obviously came from the nonstop practice before.

She groaned silently, taking it as an alarm to take a bath before sleeping.

The bath went smooth, even if she didn't have a mood for it. She was already in her most comfortable white t-shirt and black shorts. Taking the small towel that neatly hang behind the door, she ruffled her hair to dry it up.

Her phone rang just in a right time when she put the towel on its place.

She turned around, looking for her phone. The small thing was on her bed, almost covered up with the pillow.

Picking it, her eyes travelled on the dialer's name. Her frown was visible enough in the dark, thinking about why on earth this person calling her at the late of night.

Not that late, it is only 11:15 p.m.

Her finger slid on the screen, before the phone was placed against her ear.

"Seulgi noona?"

"Yes, I'm here. Did Yerim fought with you again?" She asked.

The common question that she will ask everytime this younger boy called her. It makes herself want to laugh at their adorable action. She expected a yes for that, but it is completely opposite.

"Well, it is not. I'm so sorry if I distract your rest time but--"

Jungkook's words were cut with a rambling voice, which made her breath hitched at the moment.

She could hear Jungkook's whine, before the silence fill the others line. She made sure that Jungkook is not ended up yet, so that she will not waiting for something impossible.

"Jimin hyung is drunk, and he keeps calling your name, for almost 20 minutes."

Seulgi blinked her eyes at the statement. She wetted her lips that have been dried once his name slipped out from Jungkook. Her heart arched, but that's not the main point right now.

"I asked Taehyung hyung about what to do, and we decided to inform you first. It's okay if--"

"No, I will go there now. Where is you?"


Seulgi heaved a deep sigh when Jimin's condition is better than what she thought. He is sitting there silently, staring on the floor as if there is a staring contest happen.

"He has been like that once I said that you're coming." Jungkook reported, almost immediately when she arrived at them. "I'm sorry that you've to come. I know that Red Velvet just got the rest time for this night only." He continued, sighing.

"No, it's me who have to say sorry after all." She said before turning her head to the drunk boy.

She felt herself teared up, but she doesn't think that knock down in front of the two years younger is something good.

Is it because of me again?

"Is it okay if I take him to my home?" She asked with a little hesitated, if what she decided was good.

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