💛 Liar Part II 💛

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Seulmin angst + fluff

"You're really not good in lying, Kang Seulgi."

She immediately stopped munching her japchae as the certain boy took a seat in front of her.

She now has to admit that she is really stupid to pick a near restaurant from JYP building to eat her lunch.

She blinked her eyes in confusion, before recalling the lie that she did before.

Clearing her throat, she excused, "He canceled it last minute." She slipped out.

"He? Who is that guy?" He asked with a slight of frown. She almost scoffed at his reaction.

Don't act like you care, Park Jimin.

"None of your business." She said, finishing her noodles. She wants to leave as soon as possible.

"You're my best friend, so you included in my business." He said, half whispered.

"Best friend? I think you're the one that really good at lying. Even before." She said sarcastically. She never be this cold with him before, but screw it.

She isn't that easy to play with. He should know that.

He seems to understand her intention, as he spoke up, "You're misunderstanding me, Seulgi." He muttered, but she shrugged it off.

Walking to the cashier, she pays her meal, before walking out from the restaurant.

She is expecting Jimin to not showing his face in front of her anymore, but it turned out not.

"Seulgi, hear me." He grabbed her arm, but she quickly snatched it away.

"Please," He pulled her wrist, this time harder. She is facing him, and see how desperate he was.

Realizing that they're now becoming people's attention, she sighed, before letting herself getting pulled by him.

He brought her somewhere near, where she didn't care. It seems like an empty restaurant.

He pinned her to the wall. His hand still gripping her wrist, while the other resting beside her head.

He only stared into her. He looked like he is having a problem to speak, and Seulgi is getting really annoyed.

The thing is, her heart isn't helping.

She didn't reply his stare, and just concentrated on his shoes. "What do you want?"

Not responding, he only moved his arms to wrap it around her tiny waist. He placed his chin on the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet fragrance of vanilla.

"Wait, w-what--"

"Let's stay like this for a few minutes. I miss you. Really. Really bad." He whispered, pleading.

"Why did you throw our friendship away?" She asked, and her voice cracked at the last.

"Why did you leave so suddenly?"

"And why did you lie, that you like me?"

Jimin pulled away at that question. His teary eyes looked at her longingly. "I'm not lying about it."

"Not lying? You're dating someone else. You left without explanation. The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained, Jimin."

"Screw the company." She heard him mumbled, before holding her shoulders.

"Look at me." He said, but she did not. "Look at me, Kang Seulgi."

She lifted her head slowly, meeting his eyes.

"This is all, only for the publicity stunt. That day when I confessed to you, I got a call from my manager to meet. And he told me that I'm gonna get pair up with Mina to gain some popularity." He said.

She frowned, can't accept the sudden explaination. "Why don't you just meet me to tell me everything? I waited for you every sunday."

"My manager prohibited me from meeting you. He is afraid that I'll fall in love with you and distract the plan, unfortunately that I already did."

Seulgi ignored the last words, and asking again. "Then what did you do with Mina earlier? In that room?"

Her voice tone changed. She is imagining something that she shouldn't.

"We just talked and planned about the dating strategy." He said.

"Only talking? I'm sure that there are some flirting." She said uncomfortably.

Jimin didn't answer it, since it is true. Mina did develop a crush on him, by the way she treated him.

But the only thing he focus now is her.

"You're jealous?" He asked, with a hidden smile.

"No way. Why should I?" She flustered.

"Really? I've known you for a year, Seul." He cupped both of her cheeks, so she can't run her eyes from him.

She never failed to make his heart flutters only by the look from her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She gave up, not admit nor deny.

"I'm planning on cancelling this publicity. I can't do it anymore, especially that the girl that I like is with me now."

He grinned, before planting a kiss on her forehead. He moved his lips beside her ear, also pecking her earlobe before whispering. "So, what is your answer?"

Seulgi shivered at his breath, but still caught the question. "Maybe-- our feelings are mutual." She said, blushing hard.

He smiled at her respond, and not waiting for her permission, he claimed her lips with his.

Seulgi was more than surprised, but immediately responded to it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, while he pulled her closer.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time." He muttered in the kiss. She separated her lips, and Jimin immediately slid his tongue in.

He picked her up by her thighs, before placing her on the table.

It is hot and intense, and both of their minds blank, only let their hearts speak.

They're missing each other too much that can't let it out only by the words. Well, action speaks louder than words.

Pulling away, they panted heavily, catching their breath.

"Say it, I want to hear it." He said softly. Seulgi was confused for a second, before knowing it.

"I love you, Park Jimin."

"I love you too, Kang Seulgi."

You know what? I really can imagined their hot making out session! Don't you?

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