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Jungri fluff

Seulgi stared at the black haired female who is playing with the hem of the sleeves of her hoodie, back leaning against the sofa.

She elbowed the oldest, which make her finally looked up from her phone.

"Why?" Joohyun asked, eyes flashing confusion after seeing Seulgi's concern expression.

"Yerim." Seulgi mouthed, jerking her head to the youngest.

Joohyun turned her head, observing the female who is spacing out, the frown on her forehead didn't go unnoticed by the older.

She sighed, yet smiling slightly after remembering why she acts like that. "Yerim,"

The youngest flinched, turning her head to Joohyun. "Um?"

"You can check on him if you want. I will give some excuses to the manager if you happen to be late." She said.

Yerim's eyes finally lit up, standing up from the sofa. "Really, unnie?"

Joohyun nodded, convincing her. Seulgi immediately gave the youngest a reassuring smile when she looks at her.

"Thank you so much, I owe you two for this." Yerim muttered, before walking out, leaving the room.

Her steps become fast every seconds, considering that she is closer to her destination.

She could see a group of familiar men coming out from a certain room, probably going to have lunch. But what makes her more worried is because the person she is searching for is not with them.

Her pace fasten if it even possible, and she is now right in front of the door. She hesitated for a while, but decided to open the door after a few seconds.

Stepping inside, she closed the door carefully before observing the room. She does not have to take a second before realizing the figure who is laying on the couch, arm resting on his eyes.

"Jungkook," She mumbled, walking closer to the couch.

He is still wearing the same outfit of his performance, which proving that he has been laying here since the second he left the stage.

Kneeling down, she put her small palm on his forehead slightly, feeling the burn. She silently hissed, can't ignore the pain in her heart.

She held his other hand which is resting at his side, tears already on the edge of her eyes.

She remembered the tight schedule that he told her a few weeks ago, and it hits her that he still has works to do after this, which means that he will work with this weak state.

"Don't cry." His voice hit her ears. "Yerim, I warn you."

She gasped softly, hand immediately come to rub her eyes after finally realizing that she is crying.

"I'm not crying." She lied, pouting slightly.

She watched as he moved his arm, eyes meeting hers. He also moves his hand from her hold, only to intertwine their fingers together.

"I saw you." She sniffed. "You lay down on the stage after performing. You seem so tired, and also cough a lot at the photo session."

Jungkook chuckled, holding her hand even tighter. "It shows how much you steal glances at me today. I wonder if the camera caught you or not."

"This is not a right time to joke, kook." She said. "You're sick, and you need to work straight away after this. That is suck."

"I'm just not feeling well, that's all." He said. "And you make it worse, actually."

Yerim snapped her head at his words, heart clenching at the thought. "Really? I'm sorry. Should I go out? Wait—I—"

"No, no, yerim wait." He stopped her from rambling, pulling her down, so that she has no choice besides laying right next to him.

"It becomes worse when I saw you sitting next to Taeyong so comfortably, that makes me wonder who is your boyfriend." He said.

Her heart fluttered when he wrapped his arms around her, securing her with his warmth. Even though he is burning, it doesn't change the fact that he has that affect on her.

"Did you expect me to sit beside you? Then it will satisfy the media and boom, our dating news will be everywhere." She said.

"You're talking as if you and Taeyong never have dating scandal." He said, eyes flashing the jealously.

She was about to speak when he moved his head to cough. She immediately patted his back softly.

"You should stop talking and rest. I'm here just to check on you, not distracting you." She said, concern fill her coffee eyes. "Don't you want to eat? You need energy."

"No, I already told my hyungs to buy me something tasty." He informed quickly, doesn't want her to leave him just to buy his lunch.

"Can you stay with me for a while? I'm missing you these days, and I think I can feel better if you're here with me." He pleaded, eyes not leaving her.

The corner of her lips immediately curved up, feeling butterflies rushing in her stomach.

"Fine, then. Let's sleep." She agreed, before Jungkook pulled her closer and buried his face on the crook of her neck.

She ran her fingers in his hair, comforting him. Subconsciously, both of them started to enjoy the warmth of each other, and fall asleep within a minute.

And let's just say that they woke up with a flash from Hoseok's camera, and were greeted with the squeals from Taehyung and Jimin.

Long time no see!

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