💙 My Courage Part II 💙

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"You're back, son." The voice greeted his ears, but just get out from his mind. He didn't want to even spare a glance on him who is sitting on the sofa.

Who's his son?

He walk passed the living room, going to the stairs when the older spoke again. "Come here. We need to talk."

He scoffed, and was about to step upward, before getting interrupt again.

"Min Yoongi!"

He immediately gritted his teeth, before turning around, making his way to the sofa.

He stood beside the sofa.


"No thanks. This is gonna be short."

His father is totally pissed but did not show it.

"You're still going to take that course?" He asked, and Yoongi actually could guess that question.

"I'll never turn back from art and music course. I thought you understand before."

"I'm transferring you." He said.

"Mr Min!" He exclaimed, looking at his father.

"When will you call me dad?"

"Until you respect my personal life." Yoongi said.

"I'm doing this for the best, Yoongi. Music can't bring you anywhere."

"I'll not transfer anywhere. Your life is yours, and mine is mine."

"Or is it because of that girl?"

Their eyes attacked each other. "What do you mean?"

"That girl. Son Seungwan. Always be a top student in fourth grade, same age as you. Her father passed away when she didn't even born yet. Her mother works as the cleaner in a building, while her sister is a doctor. Need more?" His father smirked.

"What're you planning now?" Yoongi held his fists.

"Well, what're you thinking?"


Seungwan sat on her bed. She held her phone tightly, thinking about what happened earlier.

Why didn't he tell me that he is from a very rich family?

She doesn't know what to feel. She doesn't have any right to feel betrayed, since he had help her many things before. But if she pretends like there was nothing, he is still a rich boy who should befriend with someone in his level, and it is obviously not her.

But he had once told about his father. His father has the same mindset like her mother, that music can't bring anything.

He looks really pissed when he heard that his father is back.

Her ringtone hit her ears, before she lifted her phone, staring at the caller name.

The call is about to end when she finally slid her finger to answer it. The silence fill the line.

"Hey, are you mad? Why didn't you call me? I'm very worried if anything bad happen to you." He said softly.

Stop messing my heart with your words, Yoongi.

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