Chapter 11: I'm Sorry Connor

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Our July in the Rain by He is We


Only but a week has passed since the unfortunate and traumatizing incident that occurred at the yogurt shop. I haven't yet forgiven Ricky and I wasn't planning to anytime in the near future. In the past seven days, I haven't muttered more than a small occasional, "yes" or "no" or "mhm" to Ricky. I could tell that my silence was slowly consuming him, but this was well deserved. Sleeping on the floor in Connor's room wasn't the most comforting option, but it seemed to be the better option, in comparison to sharing a bed with Ricky.

I wanted to forgive Ricky. I wanted to forgive him with all of my heart, but he has yet to say something that truly captured the essence of how apologetic he truly was. And until that happened, I refused to give in.

After realizing that it was ten in the morning, I sat up, yawning and stretching. I hoisted myself up off of the floor and exited the room and descended the stairs. Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted by the face of none other than Ricky Dillon. He was sitting on the counter with a bowl of cereal in his lap. His hair was uncombed and was a perfect mess sitting on top of his head.

"Good morning, Amy," he muttered, sounding unsure whether he should address me or not.

"Mhm," I muttered in response.

Clearing his throat, he spoke up. "Amy, you're going to have to talk to me sooner or later."

I rolled my eyes.

He sighed loudly, setting his bowl down and hopping off the counter, only to land with his feet on the floor, right in front of me. Ricky's eyes stared pleadingly into my own.

"I love you," he half-whispered. "There. I said it."

My entire body tensed up once I deciphered what he had just said to me. "W-what?" I choked out. " do?"

"Of course I do. I know it's a bit soon to say it, but I do. I love you. I would never deliberately hurt you and just the fact that you thought I just makes me feel awful."


"Let me guess, you don't feel that way about me?"

"Ricky... I do. I love you too," I stated with a shy smile.

He immediately engulfed me in a hug. I wanted to live in this moment forever. Being close to Ricky was honestly the only thing I had to live for. Ricky Dillon kept me alive. He was my guardian angel. I felt that he'd be there for me whenever I needed him. He was always be around to protect me. If only that was truly the case...


Ricky had to film and edit his video, so I took this as my chance to annoy Connor. I ran to his room, knocking loudly on his door to receive his consent before invading his room.

"Come in!" Connor yelled through the door.

As I entered, I noticed that Connor was casually sitting on his bed with both of his legs extended in front of him, his eyes intently focused on the screen of his iPhone. I ran and plopped down on his bed next to him, almost causing him to fall off.

"Hi Connor!"

He tried his best not to laugh as he caught himself from falling.

"Hey Amy," he responded, smiling.

"The most amazing thing has happened!"

"They arrested those two psychos that are after you?" he asked hopefully.

In Case of Emergency // Connor Franta (ft. R.D.)Where stories live. Discover now