Chapter 30: He's Gone

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Therapy by All Time Low

Sometimes by Melanie Horsnell


Ricky's POV

It was seven in the morning and I had absolutely no idea why I was awake already. Daphne was asleep peacefully beside me, which I found pretty adorable.

Honestly, Daphne has been the best thing that's happened to me since Amy and I wasn't planning to let her go anytime soon. Daphne was a bit on the crazy side, but after getting used to it, I really started to find it attractive. Part of me wanted to have Amy witness what was going on, but the other part of me didn't. I found myself wondering how Amy would react if she knew. Part of me thought that she would be jealous, but the other part of me realized that I was being completely ridiculous. The day that Amy finds out about Daphne and I, is going to be the end. That would be the day that any shred of a chance I had of ever getting back with Amy would be dissolved.

I sighed. I knew hanging around Daphne completely ruined every chance I had, but I just couldn't seem to stay away. Something about her just made me want to be around her all the time. Having Daphne come over was the only way I could cope with Amy not loving me back. I wasn't exactly sure how long the entire Daphne situation would last, but for my sake, I hope it lasted for a while.

Daphne's blaring ringtone broke me out of my pathetic thoughts. Why would someone be calling her at such an early hour? Daphne reached for her phone, still half asleep. Pressing the phone to her ear, she spoke gently.

"Hello?" she muttered tiredly into the phone.

"Yeah, this is her," she stated.

After a few seconds, she bolted up, causing me to sit up as well. She quickly climbed out of bed, pulling her clothes on, as she was still talking on the phone. Once she got her clothes back on, she sat back down on the bed.

"Are you sure?" she asked on the verge of crying.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her, not exactly sure what to do. Suddenly she threw her phone as hard as she could at the wall and broke down in my arms. I tried my best to calm her down as she sobbed into my pillow.

"Calm down," I whispered. "What's wrong, babe?"

She didn't bother to answer and continued to cry into my pillow. I stroked her hair gently, unsure of what to say. We remained this way for about an hour before her crying slowly subsided. Daphne removed her face from my pillow and immediately engulfed me in a hug.

"Ricky," she whined.

"Yeah, babe? What happened?" I whispered gently.

"M-my brother," she said softly, tears forming in her eyes again.

"What about your brother?" I asked gently.

"M-my brother died!" she exclaimed, beginning to sob again. "Sp-Spencer's gone."

Suddenly, my eyes filled with tears too. I wasn't exactly sure what to do or what to say, so I didn't say anything. I just tightened my grip around her. I've never been in this position before, so I felt awful that I could do nothing to help.


After a few hours of pure silence, Daphne finally spoke up.

"Spencer, my older brother died very early this morning," she muttered, still laying in my arms. "He was only 24."

"I am so sorry, Daphne," I whispered.

"He went to jail yesterday afternoon and he called me once he got there," she stated blankly. "I told him that I was done paying his bail because that wasn't the first time it's happened."

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