Chapter 29: You Promise?

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Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me) by Simple Plan

Build You Up by Kim Taylor


Amy's POV

When Connor and I arrived at his place, I immediately ran inside. I just wanted to hide from the outside world and stay in Connor's arms forever. Connor walked into the house shortly after me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Go on up to my room, alright?" Connor told me.

I nodded. "Okay."

"I'll be right up."

As I was walking toward the stairs the terrifying image of the deranged man's face only inches from mine wouldn't leave my brain. I could still feel the cool metal from the knife being pressed against my throat. Tears flooded my vision as I walked up the stairs. Once I made it upstairs, I was sobbing again. If the man would've moved the knife across my neck, my throat would've been slit and I probably would've died. Suddenly I felt as if I was in that position again and I could barely breathe. I began to hyperventilate and thought that I would black out at any moment. I was terrified. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I tried to push them off. I was crying so hard and panicking so badly, that I couldn't see anything, but the man's face. I screamed at the top of my lungs, completely petrified. Next thing I knew, everything went completely black and I couldn't hear a thing anymore.


My heavy eyelids opened slowly and took a look at my surroundings. I was tucked into Connor's bed in his room. I was honestly very afraid. I wanted Connor next to me, cuddling with me, telling me how much he loved me and most of all, I wanted him to tell me everything was going to be okay. Tears formed in my eyes. I hated feeling this way. I hated being alone. I hated being afraid that today may be my last day. I started crying just thinking about everything. It was all so overwhelming. I felt so weak crying in front of Connor all the time, but could anyone blame me? My breathing became shaky and I thought I was having another panic attack.

"Connor!" I shrieked, crying. "Connor! Help me!"

The door flew open and Connor shut it quickly. He ran over to my weak, trembling, crying body and pulled me onto his lap. I buried my face in his chest and he stroked my hair gently.

"Baby," he whispered. "Shh everything's okay. You're okay."

I sobbed even more into his chest. "I-I-I don't w-want to be afraid anymore," I stammered.

He rubbed my back soothingly. "I'm here, love. I'll protect you. I'll keep you safe," he reassured me.

"You promise?" I asked, still crying.

"Of course, my love," he whispered. He then kissed my forehead and his lips lingered there for a while.

"I'm so scared," I admitted.

"I know, baby, I know. Now dry those tears, okay?"

I sniffed and hid my face in his chest.

"Look at me, Amy."

I removed my face from his chest and looked into his eyes. His beautiful eyes made mine well up with tears. He cupped my face with his hand gently.

"I hate seeing you like this," he whispered, as he wiped my tears away. "I wish I could make all of this go away."

I sniffed and hiccuped quietly. I hated how I would get the occasional hiccups after crying. Even more tears formed and I couldn't stop them from falling.

"Connor, I don't know what to do," I cried.

He tightened his comforting grip around me. "I'm so sorry, love."

I sighed and climbed off of his lap and over to his dresser. I pulled out a blue t-shirt and smiled slightly. I glanced over at Connor and his gaze was focused on me intently. I stripped out of my hideous work uniform and pulled his shirt on. It smelled just like him, which was very comforting. I made eye contact with him again and he bit his lower lip. I walked back over to him and sat back on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. He kissed my cheek and I laid my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head gently into mine, making me smile.

"You're so beautiful when you smile," he whispered.

If I wasn't in a bad mood at the moment, I probably would have blushed at his adorable comment.

"Are you feeling any better, love?" he asked, concerned.

I nodded. "But I think I want to go back to sleep.

"Of course."

Connor lifted me off of his lap and gently laid me down beside him. He got under the blanket with me and held me close, as usual.

Ricky's POV

I heard loud sobbing coming from the hall, followed by deafening screams. I bolted out of my room realizing it was Amy. Worry took over my entire body and I saw Amy having some kind of breakdown. I wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but I tried to hug her to calm her down, but that only made matters worse. I tried to walk her into my room to lay her down, but of course, Connor came sprinting up the stairs. He saw his girlfriend passed out in my arms and practically ripped my head off.

"What the hell did you do to my girlfriend?!" he exclaimed.

"I-I didn't do anything to her!"

Connor glared at me and took Amy out of my arms. I sighed. It was nice while it lasted. He lifted Amy up bridal style and brought her into his room.

I sighed and walked silently back into my bedroom. I thought that if I had a chance to comfort Amy in a time of need, she'd be reminded how sweet I truly was and would want to come back to me. I sighed. I was such a hopeful little idiot. I didn't quite understand why I couldn't get it through my head that Amy will never want me. I sighed. I needed Daphne already and I was just with her about six hours earlier. I picked up my phone and called her. She answered after a few seconds.

"Hey Ricky!" she greeted. "Miss me already, sexy?"

This earned a light chuckle from me. "Yes I do, actually, babe."

"Babe? I like it," she giggled.

"So do you want to spend the night?" I asked.

"Sure! I'll be there in an hour!" she exclaimed excitedly.


I waited impatiently for Daphne to get here. The doorbell finally rang and I rolled my eyes because she was forty-five minutes late. I opened the door and my eyes widened. She looked so hot. She was wearing a super tight and super short black dress that hugged every curve perfectly.

"You look sexy," I told her.

She smirked at me. "Really? I just threw this on. No big deal."

I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist and lifted her off the floor. I brought her perfectly glossed lips to mine. Daphne wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to deepen the kiss by licking my lower lip. I opened my mouth slowly and her tongue explored my mouth.

"Get a room!" Kian shouted from the top of the stairs, interrupting our little moment.

I pulled my lips away from Daphne's and put her feet back on the floor. Daphne laughed quietly.

"Will do, Kian," she retorted.

Kian smirked at Daphne and I before going into the kitchen. I grinned at Daphne.

"Let's go to my room," I suggested.

She nodded and followed closely behind as I led the way. Once we made it to my room, I shut the door and locked it. I sat on the edge of the bed and Daphne sat across my lap and her lips met mine. This girl was amazing.


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