Chapter 38: Love me

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Twisted Tongue by Misterwives


"You guys should come home with us and hang out at the house for a bit!" Ricky suggested as we continued our walk. "It'll be like old times."

Connor and I both exchanged quick glances and both agreed. I nodded as Connor muttered in agreement.

"Yay!" Daphne shouted and enthusiastically clapped her hands.

I gave her a look, signaling that she was trying too hard again.

'Sorry,' she mouthed to me and I nodded in response to let her know that it was fine.

"Maybe we can have a movie night?" Ricky suggested.

"Mmm, I don't know," I trailed.

"Do you not remember what happened last time we had a movie night?" Connor asked.

"You guys stormed out angrily to have-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there," Daphne cut him off. "I think a movie night would actually be pretty fun considering our last one was kinda sorta ruined by me."

I glanced at Connor and shrugged. "I mean, it isn't that bad of an idea," I stated.

Connor nodded. "Yeah, sure. Let's do it."

"Okay, let's go right now. I parked my car just down this block."

We all walked side by side in awkward silence until we finally made it to Ricky's car. A movie night at Ricky's? What could possibly go wrong?


"Okay, you guys pick a movie and I'll make the popcorn," I stated.

"I'll help," Daphne chimed in and followed me into the kitchen.

This felt oddly familiar. I rummaged the cupboards searching for a bowl. I sighed. These guys were so unorganized without Connor here with them. After about five minutes of looking, I finally found one.

"Perfect," I muttered.

"The popcorn is usually in this cabinet," Daphne stated as she opened the cabinet and pulled out three bags of popcorn.

Daphne sure was comfortable here. Suddenly Daphne's phone rang, startling me.

"Oh! Sorry, I have to answer this!" she exclaimed. "It's important and it might take a minute."

"It's fine! I'll be okay. I think I can handle popcorn."

She laughed softly and jogged out of the kitchen to answer it. I blew a stray strand of hair out of my face and placed one of the bags of popcorn into the microwave.

As I was waiting for the bag to pop, I searched around the kitchen because I was craving something sugary or something sour or something sweet. Hell, I was craving anything at the moment and I was too impatient to wait for the bag to finish popping. I opened a random cabinet and smiled in satisfaction when I saw a big pack of chocolate chip cookies. I grabbed them and walked toward the living room to ask Ricky if I could have a few. I didn't want to be rude and just take them. However, I noticed that my path was blocked by none other than Kian Lawley. He took a step toward me, causing me to back away slowly. This was awkward. I haven't talked to him since before Connor and I moved.

"Excuse me," I stated as I tried to go past him, but he blocked my way even more, trapping me in the kitchen.

"I thought I heard you down here," he muttered.

In Case of Emergency // Connor Franta (ft. R.D.)Where stories live. Discover now