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Thank you to everyone for reading this story! It just hit 123k! That's insane! And it's also insane that so many people are still reading it! Thank you all.
About 4 Years later

"Kyle! Stop running in the house!" I shouted at my now four-year-old son.

He ran over to me and hugged my leg. His green eyes looked up at me and he was smiling widely.

"But I love this house!" Kyle shouted in response. "I'm just so excited!"

I laughed gently and hugged him back. "I love it too, but if you want to run around, you should probably ask your dad to take you outside," I stated, motioning over to Connor, who was sitting on the couch, typing something on his phone.

Kyle's eyes grew wide in excitement and ran over to Connor and jumped on his lap. Connor yelped in surprise, but laughed a few seconds later.

"Hey kiddo! What's up?"

"Daddy, can we play outside?" Kyle asked in the sweetest voice.

"Of course we can! Let's go!" he replied back enthusiastically.

Connor and Kyle ran to the backyard together happily. I smiled gently at how cute they were. I looked around and sighed at the numerous amount of boxes to unpack. It was nice to have an actual house of our own instead of living in a tiny apartment, constantly trying to keep Kyle quiet to keep the neighbors happy.
The neighborhood we moved into had a ton of kids around Kyle's age, which was also great.

Suddenly Connor and Kyle came running inside, startling me. I guess Kyle wasn't paying much attention and accidentally bumped Connor and I's wedding photo. I shrieked as it fell to the floor and glass shattered everywhere. I knelt down in front of its shattered remains. My eyes started to fill with tears, even though it wasn't that big of a deal. Kyle walked over to me slowly, looking extremely sad.

"I-I'm sorry mommy," he stated quietly, on the verge of tears. "Don't cry."

I sighed and pulled Kyle onto my lap and kissed his head.

"It's quite alright, sweetheart."

"I didn't mean to," he replied hugging me tighter.

"I know, Kyle. It's okay," I reassured him.

He smiled, stood up and ran over to Connor. Kyle whispered something in his ear and Connor smiled widely, nodding.

"You know, Kyle," Connor stated. "I think that's the best idea you've ever had."

"I know, right!"

I raised my eyebrows. "What idea?"

"Nothing," they both stated suspiciously in unison.

"We'll be right back," Connor told me.

"Where are you two going?" I asked.


Kyle ran to his room and came back into the living room, hiding something in his shirt. Then he ran over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Love you, mommy."

"I love you more. But will one of you tell me what's going on?"

"Nope, see you in a bit!" Connor shouted before running outside to the car with Kyle.

I sighed and got up off the floor. Those two were obviously up to something.
I picked up the wedding photo and smiled. We looked so happy. I think being with Connor, I'll always be happy. Everything about him made me happy.
I snapped out of my loving thoughts and went to the kitchen to get the broom. I sighed as I swept up the remains of our picture frame. It wasn't the most elaborate frame in the world, so I didn't understand why I got so upset about it, but I also didn't understand why Connor didn't seem bothered at all.

After all of the glass was swept up, I silently prayed that there wasn't anymore glass on the floor because stepping on a shard of glass wasn't something I'd be looking forward to. I sighed and fell back onto the couch. I felt extremely tired all of a sudden and found myself slowly drifting off to sleep.


"Wake up, mommy!" I heard Kyle's voice.

I stirred a bit, but slowly opened my eyes. I was instantly greeted by Kyle's happy face. I laughed gently and sat up. Kyle then sat on my lap and Connor sat right beside us.

"So where have you guys been?" I asked.

"Out," Connor replied with a big grin.

"We made you something!" Kyle exclaimed.

"For me?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, just for you!"

"Go get it, Kyle!" Connor told him.

Kyle jumped off my lap and ran to his room. Within seconds, he was back holding a gift bag. He gave it to me with a cute smile and I happily took it. I opened it slowly and pulled out a picture frame...but this picture frame was special. I laughed gently because I could tell that Kyle designed it.

"Oh my goodness... I love it!" I exclaimed and pulled my two boys into a group hug.

"You would be surprised what they sell at the store!" Connor said. "Kyle actually brought his piggy bank with him and paid two dollars for this weird kit thing where you can actually paint your own picture frame."

My eyes widened and I looked down at Kyle.

"You bought that with your own money?" I asked him. "For me?"

He nodded vigorously and my heart actually melted. I pulled Kyle into the tightest hug I could muster. Just the fact that he would do something like that for me was astounding.

"Mommy I can't breathe."

I laughed gently and let him go. "Sorry!" I stated, messing up his hair.

"But yeah, Kyle just felt so bad about breaking our frame. I offered to pay for it myself, but he actually insisted," Connor told me.

"I love you guys so much," I told them.

"Put the picture in the frame!" Kyle told me.

"Actually, I have an even better idea."

I walked over to the table and took our family photo out of the plain frame and replaced it with the wedding photo. I smiled when I put our family photo into the brand new frame that Kyle painted. Connor then walked over and hugged me from behind and Kyle hugged my leg. I smiled and put my arm around Kyle.

"I think I actually like it better that way," Connor stated.

"Me too," I replied.



Well there it is! I can't believe it's actually over now! Thank you guys so much for actually taking the time out of your lovely days to read this! I've been writing this story for about 9 months and I've honestly became attached to it, but all great things must eventually come to an end...

But I've been working on a new story about Kian Lawley... I might be posting the first chapter today if any of you are interested.

Thank you, everyone for reading this story and getting it up to 123k reads! This is now my most popular story! Crazy.

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