Chapter 16: Are You Okay?

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More Than Life by Whitley

Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus


I slowly opened my heavy eyes. It was a struggle, but somehow I managed to open them. The bright lights temporarily blinded me. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't find the strength to do it. Where was I?

I heard an annoying constant beeping and noticed that I had a cannula in my nose. My left wrist had a hospital bracelet around it. Why was I in the hospital? I couldn't remember. I glanced around the room and noticed that I wasn't alone. I looked down at my left hand and saw that someone was holding it. Looking into the person's eyes, I realized that it was Ricky.

"What's going on?" I croaked.

He jumped. "You're awake!"

"What happened?" I asked, eyes closed.

"Mitchell and Tristan attacked you and Connor. Connor had a few deep cuts-"

"What? Is Connor okay?!" I tried to yell, but my voice was too weak.

"Shh! He's fine."

"Good. Where is he?"

Ricky pointed to the corner. Connor was asleep in the chair in the corner.

"He's okay. He had to get some stitches, but that's nothing compared to what happened to you."

"What exactly happened to me?"

"Well according to the police, Mitchell supposedly pushed you down and your head landed on a large rock. Then he stabbed you twice in the stomach and once in the chest. He missed stabbing your heart by one inch. One inch, Amy."

I was completely and utterly stunned. "How long have I been out?"

"About a week. Connor here, has been sleeping in that chair every night."

"Wait, where are Mitchell and Tristan?" I asked, paranoid.

"They're in jail. I think their trial will be in a few months, so until then, they're in jail."

I sighed in relief. "Does this mean I don't have to be afraid to leave the house anymore?"

"That's exactly what that means."

"One more thing. How did they get caught?"

"Well your friend Leslie may have been high, but she must've realized that what the guys were doing was wrong and called the police."

"Leslie? I guess I have to thank her."

Ricky was about to say something, but a nurse came in. She walked to the side of the bed and smiled at me.

"Well look who's awake. How're you feeling?" she asked happily.

"I feel okay. When do I get to go home?"

"Whoa, slow your roll there! You just woke up, honey."

"Yeah, but I just want to know when."

"Probably in about a day or two."

I sighed. I didn't want to be here any longer.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"I'll just bring you some water then," she said and left the room.

I turned to Ricky and he was already looking at me. He let go of my hand and stood up.

In Case of Emergency // Connor Franta (ft. R.D.)Where stories live. Discover now