Chapter 13: Trusting Connor

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You Need Me, I Don't Need You by Ed Sheeran

Fireflies by Amanda Falk


Connor's car began approaching me. I ran to the car, opened the door and quickly shut it behind me.

"Connor you are the best," I said barely audible.

Connor just gave me a sad smile in return. He began driving and we were both silent for a while. That was until Connor broke it.

"So...what exactly happened between you and Ricky?"

I sighed and told him the entire story. I told him every detail entirely. Tears were forming by the time I finished the story. Connor seemed slightly angry.

"He used mistakes from your past against you?" Connor asked, sounding upset.

I sighed loudly. "Yeah! He basically told me that I was the type to cheat and have sex with another guy. That was the meanest thing he's ever said to me."

"I'd never say something like that to you. I wouldn't ever use your past against you."

I sighed. "I know you wouldn't, Connor."

"You deserve better than that."

"So I guess I'm invading your room again."

He smiled slightly. "Fine by me. It's fun having you around, anyway."

"I like hanging out with you," I told him.

"How about you and I just focus on the positivity from now on?" Connor suggested.

"I'll try."

I smiled at Connor's efforts to make me happy. He was the best.

"All I want is to curl up under a blanket with a bowl of ice cream and watch movies," I stated.

"That can be arranged," Connor replied. "I'll buy you ice cream if you want."


"Yeah, of course!"


"I don't even know what I saw in him to be honest," I said, stuffing a large spoonful of vanilla ice cream into my mouth. "You know Connor, you've become number one on my list of favorite people."

He smiled and ate another spoonful of ice cream. Him and I looked pretty silly at this moment. We were both in our pajamas, sitting on the floor and eating ice cream right out of the carton with plastic spoons. We've been eating ice cream on and off since we got home a couple of hours ago.

"You know, I don't need him. He needs me. Every time something like this happens, Ricky's the one that always comes crawling back to me."

Connor chuckled. "You are very interesting when you're upset."

I gave him a sad smile. "What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "It's just weird to see you like this."

I didn't say a word after that. Connor and I just ate our ice cream in silence for a while. It was a nice, comfortable silence, though. Connor finally had enough and stopped eating. Me on the other hand, I kept eating until all of the ice cream was gone. I smiled in satisfaction after being full of ice cream.

I glanced over at Connor, who was already looking at me. Not only was he looking at me, but he was smiling at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

In Case of Emergency // Connor Franta (ft. R.D.)Where stories live. Discover now