Chap.2 Before and After

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Jonathan Pov.

It hurted so much. I stroked Bryce's hair softly. He was all I got out of all this. I can't believe I got us stuck here. He's just 3 years old! I'm freaking 7 years old! Stupid place. Were barely surviving. So much pain we been through. Stupid cops. I can't believe they haven't discovered this place. This place is hell. I was weak. They experimented on me more times on me than Bryce and I was happy about that. I already wasted half my life here. Last one they did an experiment on me was yesterday and I was still in pain from it then now. I am so weak! I can't protect Bryce. I have to get him out of this hell hole. He deserves a life. Tears started to come down my face. This is a life we can't live on. I need a plan. I started to fall asleep.


"Bryce is so small papa"

"Well he is 7 months old and you're just 3 and a half years old."

"And as an older brother we expect you to take care of Bryce."

"Of course, dada and Papa!" I saluted him "I'm going to protect him no matter what!" I yelled happy. I looked down at the crib seeing his sky-blue eyes meeting my ocean blue. He had sky blue eyes just like Papa but his strawberry blond hair from somewhere. I don't know where I got ocean blue eyes but I had brown hair like my dada. "Now it's time for sleep." Papa said picking me up then placing me in bed. Dada came giving me my Teddy bear. "Sleep Tight Jonathan." Dada said placing a kiss on my forehead. I fell to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard screaming. I stayed in my room. I heard footsteps from outside.

"You are not going near them!" I heard Dada say

"O Mark. How can you be so naïve? Thinking you'll two can just run off? I think not." I heard someone say.

The door opened. I saw a man in a lab coat. What. "Get them." I heard him say. Soldiers came in. Dada came in trying to get them away from us. I didn't what happened. I saw my dad's eyes turn red. What? His teeth sharpen. No way. He's a Vampire!

The soldiers grabbed my Father tossing him to the wall. He hisses then jumped on one of them. He raised his hand. His nails sharpen. He sliced the guy's throat. I couldn't believe it. Then they tackled him down. One held his neck up. Another came and sliced his throat. "dada!"

"let's not do this the hard way." The male scientist said. He toke a step close to me. Papa jumped on the guy. The guy dodged it grabbing my papa tossing him to the wall. Papa threw something at them. It was a liquid in a glass container then it splashed on 4 of the men. Papa whispered something and they turned to dust. A man came behind him and snapped his arm. They grabbed papa's arm back and tapped his mouth. A woman came in. she had a lab coat on to. She pulled out a knife. She sliced his neck. "Papa!" Tears came down. Bryce started to cry to. O no Bryce. "Clean this mess. Then take them to the lab. Will meet you'll there." She said walking off with the male. The soldiers grabbed me yanking me away. then another toke Bryce. "Don't touch him!" I yelled then a man came with a gun. He turned it to the handle then next thing I knew I was out.


A week pass but they did another 3 experiments on me and Bryce. One of them was just an accident when they poured mixed substance they didn't know of that they inserted us with then what they meant to give us. Bryce was sitting down so sad. He had bruises and needle shots marks on him. I felt so horrible. Anger grew in me. I don't know how but I broke the cage we were in a part. "We have a breech! Every soldier get here now!" soldiers came. I ran fast around them. my nails got longer. I slice at least 10 on the neck with blood dripping down. it felt so good. let the pain they gave us feel what we felt. I step behind me. I turned. One was about to knife me till I saw the guy fall. Bryce was there having his hands down. He was crushing him. the guy died being flat. "Bryce!" I hugged him. I bet he has it to. The revenge we want. A lot more soldiers came. "Get them!" the male scientist yelled before running out. I grinned. I looked at Bryce and he was to. They charged at us. We attacked each one of them tasting their blood and watching them die. We ran out the place exploding it. We were running fast into the forest. It was weird because we were never fast like this. We stopped to take a breath. I looked at ourselves seeing our clothes torn and blood all over. It wasn't our blood. Bryce hugged me and I hugged back. "Jonathan what happened to us? Are we killers?" he cried so softly

"No Bryce were not. Those men we killed our parents. Destroyed our home. Experimented on us. We barely made out of there alive and now I'm happy were out now. Wait home." I grabbed Bryce's hand and ran off. about 30 minutes I made it to our destination. I can't believe it. it's still here. Bryce looked up at a little cabin were vines were around and the place being old. I walked inside. "Jonathan what's this place?"

"Our Home." I walked upstairs were my room was. Bryce let go of my hand going to the crib. The crib he slept on. He placed a hand on it. "My crib." He reached to grab something. He pulled out a teddy bear. "I had a teddy bear?" he said. I went to my bed throwing covers over. I found mine. I toke my teddy bear out showing Bryce. I walked up to him. "Papa made these by hand. For us. He made it on the exact day we were born. You couldn't sleep without it and I couldn't either." Bryce placed his hand over the bears face. He hugged it. I walked to the desk. It had a picture. A picture of our family. Bryce walked next to me. "That's me?" Bryce said pointing to the baby picture. I nodded. There were at least 2. One with all of us together and the other with me and Bryce. i toke out the pictures from the frame and placed them in my pocket. "So we can never forget." I smiled at Bryce and he did to. I went to the closet pulling out some clothes. "Here Bryce. I think my clothes should fit you and the water should work. Will take a shower then leave out of here."


"Knowing them they will be after us. Scientist will come back and finish us." he nodded. "I'll use the backpacks and fill them up with supplies for us. Will rest up here tonight then tomorrow morning we leave. They might come here first." He nodded then walked around the house. I showed him the bathroom. As he toke a shower I looked around the house seeing what we can use. Ok I need to get Bryce's backpack light so I'll put a cover, flashlight, batteries, and water containers. That should be good for Bryce to carry. Ok now mine. Compass of course. Wait dada use to have a map. I ran up to his room and papa's, memories start flooding in. It hurted so much. I went through the chores and cabinets. Found it. I went back to my room putting the map in my bag. Ok. Man I'm running back and forth. Ok first aid, and maybe some other stuff just in case. Wait we need food. All the food here is gone. Maybe stop by a town. "Jonathan?" I looked up at Bryce. he was crying. "O Bryce." I walked up to him and hugged him. I felt bad since he didn't get to meet dada and papa. "OK go to sleep on my bed. I'm going to take a shower and join." He nodded getting in. I tucked him in placing his teddy next to him. I grab some clothes and walked out to the restroom. I toke off my bloody clothes and jumped in. yes hot water. It felt good. I got out drying myself off. I went to the room placing the bags on the side then getting into bed. I grabbed my teddy holding it. Bryce was making little sounds. Must be a nightmare. I went closer holding him. His sounds started to fade. Night Bryce. Tomorrow we leave from here. I drifted off to sleep.

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