Chap 22. Stop Evan

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Bryce Pov.

I looked over Delirious and he was ready to pass out. but I know the truth is he's ready to die. Tears came down my face. Lui was filling up the 4th pint of blood with the needle. When he was done Brock and Lui put the blood in test tubes closing them. Delirious hand was down. he had it up to hold the chain tight against me. It loosened. I got out the chains running to Delirious. he was pale. "delirious why?"

"Go help the vampires. Hurry." Delirious said. "I'll be here. I'll be fine when you come back." I didn't want to leave but if I didn't then the vampires will die and all that delirious did would be useless. I hugged delirious will quick then put some of the test tubes in the bag while Lui and Brock did the same.

"Lets go!" Lui said running with a bag on his back.

"Im coming, lui." I said taking a few things. Brock zipped up his bag. I got up. We all ran using our super speed to get outside. When we made it, we couldn't believe what we saw.

"What the hell!" Lui screamed, seeing a beat up marcel and a few dead werewolves.

"What happened?" I asked. Looking at Evan and his friends standing there like nothing happened and a few beat up werewolves. Evan you jerk.

"They've started a war. A few werewolves went to go get more." Luke said.

"How come your not with them."

"I'm trying to stop it with Marcel but were getting beat up. Look at Marcel. I'm trying to get the vampires away from him so they won't kill him!" Luke said. I looked and saw a familier grey wolf. Ohm! 3 vampires surrounded him. I looked at Evan and Evan started to smirk evilly.

"What is your problem huh?!" I yelled.

"You. You and Delirious are my problem. My people needed to be saved and you'll failed at it. I was gonna risk my life for mine and your friends. You'll couldn't do the same for me?" Evan asked. "And look! Delirious even ain't here. He left my people to die! And you just came back for no reason!" I gripped the bag. I threw the bag to Brock and he caught it. I need to buy time. What delirious did won't be for nothing.

"We couldn't Evan. You don't understand. Even if we tried we wouldn't be able to save all of them." I tried to explain.

"Some is enough." Evan said. Evan looked at Tyler and nodded.

Tyler picked Ohm up by the neck and was about to twist it, but I looked at Tyler and Tyler fell to his knees, screaming and holding his ears. Brian tackled me down and punched me. I pushed Brian with his magic against a rock, leaving him unconscious. Evan picked me up and, but by my neck. I screamed in pain and kicked Evan away from me. David was helping ohm up. Lui and Brock went to go save as much vampires as they can. It had to be enough for all of them.

"I will kill you!" Evan said. His eyes turning red and his fangs out. I stood in a fight stance.

"Lets go then." I said knowing it's the only way to distract him. Lui gave marcel some of the test tubes full of delirious blood with some of mine. Brock gave some to mini.

They were giving it to vampires and one by one they slowly started to get better. It's working Jonathan! I looked at Tyler and Luke and they saw what we were doing and quickly looked at me and Evan. I saw them talking.


"We need to stop Evan." Luke said.

"He's too strong. We won't be able to stop him. He needs to stop himself." Tyler told him.

"Can we at least try to stop him?" Luke said

"I guess so. Let's go." Tyler said. Running towards the two fighting


I saw Luke and Tyler running over here and thought they were going to all fight me at once. I was getting ready. They stopped and looked at me, worried. I was distracted by them and didn't notice Evan grabbed me by the neck. I was struggling I couldn't use my powers nor my strength or it will turn worse.

"Do you guys need something?" Evan asked the two.

"Evan, listen. There saving our people. They're alive. We can stop now." Brian told him. Evan turned around and saw his people on the ground slowly getting up and confused about what's going on. Evan looked at me and dropped me

"The war is not over. The werewolves will be back with their people for hurting their leader and we will all be ready to fight." Evan said walking away.

"Bryce? We're sorry for what happened we just got out of control. Can you please try to control the werewolves?" Tyler asked.

I was a coughing mess. I looked at them and nodded, holding my own neck that probably has a bruise.

"Thank you. Until then I suggest you stay away from Evan or he won't hesitate to kill you next time." Tyler said. They both ran to Evan. Mini and lui went up to me.

"This is not going to end well. The werewolves are hard to reason with especially with their leader injured pretty bad." Lui said.

"I know. I don't know what to do anymore. Delirious always helped me, protected me." I said with his head down.

"You'll figure something out. We believe in you. Delirious Believes in you. He knows you can do it." Mini said.

Lui agreed and looked at the vampires

"Your right." I said. I gave them a smile that soon faded.

"So what's the plan?" Lui asked.

"I don't know anymore. How am I supposed to help you if all I do is make things worse, huh?" I asked.

"You don't make anything worse. They make it worse, you just try to help. That's not a bad thing." Mini said.

"Ok. We need to start planning out what we are going to do." I said.

"We can try to make David change his mind and hold his people back." Brock suggested walking over to us.

"That won't work. Evan and his friends killed too many of David's people" I sighed.

"Then, I don't know." Brock said, putting his head down.

"I can try to talk to Evan." I said.

"Why?" Lui raised a brow.

I shrugged my shoulders. I don't know what tell him. I want to tell him Delirious has feeling for him but he's slowly dying. I have to hurry. I might be able to save him. I'm too scared. What if it doesn't work. What will happen? We saved the vampires so they can kill? God this is bad. I tried calming down. We made Evan this way, if only we didn't come this all wouldn't happen. Lui saw how I was in deep thought and went up to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him.

"Please don't stress over it. This wasn't your fault. I'm actually really happy I got to meet you and Delirious. You'll are really cool and generous. I don't know what I would do if I never met you'll." Lui softly smile. I remembered what Jonathan would say if I was in this state. 'Don't give up unless you try. Keep trying. Even if it is crazy it won't hurt to try. Never give up ok? You are my brother after all.' He would give me a smile as he said that.

"Thank you for your kind words, lui." I smiled. "We still need to find out how to settle this situation." I continued

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