Chap 30. They Left?

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Iwoke up. What happened? o yea. I looked down to see Bryce but hewasn't there. "Bryce?" I looked around the room seeing if I canfind him but didn't. I toke a sniff. Nothing. I looked on thecounter seeing a teddy bear. Wait that's Bryce. It had a paper infront of it. I grabbed it then started reading


Iwant to start to say I'm sorry. I don't know how to say this butI'm leaving well gone by now. By the time you read this Ohm I bealready gone from the village. I left with Jonathan. He discoveredthe truth about our parents and now. If we stay we put everyone indanger and I couldn't live if I know you or anyone I care is dead.I want you to know I love you Ohm and I'm sorry. I know it'swrong that I done it with you then left and I feel awful for doingthat. Jonathan then say make it memorable. But now you have to moveon and maybe find a girl that can stay and love you......or boy. Imay not be coming back but it's a hope for me. I love you Ryan.Goodbye


W-what? I got up getting dress and randown the stairs. I passed Nogla and Marcel who were comeing in. Itransformed going to the witch village. I was about to make it till Ibumped to someone. I looked up seeing Evan Crying. He held a piece ofpaper. I saw Luke, Tyler, and Brian stopping to see us. We walked tothe door knocking on it hard. Mini opened it. He had tears.

"Where is Jonathan?" Evan said.Mini stepped aside. We all walked in

"Where is Bryce?" I asked.

"They left." Brock said.

"What do you mean left. They cannotjust leave?" Brian said

"They did. We tried telling them tostay but they said they had to do this." Lui said.

"DO what? Where are they?!" Tyleryelled.

"We wish we knew. If you notice.Yesterday was there last day."

"That's why He was so clingyyesterday. Why didn't I notice?!" Evan said.

"They can't. What did they have todo?" Luke said

"They left to take down all the labsaround. Jonathan said if he and Bryce stay's they put all ourvillages in danger and he didn't want to." Nogla and Marcel tokea sniff.

"That won't work. None of ourpowers work. Jonathan made sure of it. They both blocked their mindsand hided their scent. Bryce was even suggesting erasing all ourmemories that we had with them so it won't hurt us. We said no."Brock said.

"Will they come back?" Nogla said.Brock and Lui looked down. Evan fell crying so hard

"I should have told him. I had achance to tell him but I couldn't." Evan said.

"Evan. Jonathan left some tubes ofhis blood just in case." He gave them to Evan.

"They s-said they found the truth.What truth?" I looked at them having my eyes watery. Brock and luiwent to the living room. They showed us a box of files. There were 2crates. Each having lots of tapes

"What are in the tapes?" Marcelasked. Lui pointed to a crate.

"There parent's past."

"Play them." I turned seeing Evansitting down on the couch.

"Fine. Me and Lui are leaving. Wecan't see all this again. Will come back later. What you'll aregoing to see will shock you'll." Brock said before leaving withLui.

"Ok. Whoever wants to go, go." Evan said.

"No way Evan. If it involves Bryceand Jonathan were watching so play the fucking tapes." Marcel said.Nogla put the first tape. Brock was right. It shocked all of us.

After we watched all of them we justsat there.

"I can't it. They were born fromthe most power creatures." Nogla

"I can't believe they all did it.Even if they were different." Tyler said looking at mini

"They put that aside risking theirlife loving each other." Mini said.

"What are in the other crate oftapes." Luke said. Nogla put it on. It showed Jonathan and Bryce askids on tables. Then scientist came in. Screaming and pain was all itcame. Nogla toke it out. brock and Lui came in.

"Are you'll done watching?" weall nodded. We had tears. Evan stood up

"After what happened between us whenJonathan and Bryce came.....I have a statement."

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