Chap.5 A Little Problem Solved

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Bryce pov.

"I have stuff to do, so why did you call?" Nogla said.

"We found this guy. We don't know what he is." Wildcat said.

"He's a witch. He came to my neighborhood and froze us in place." Ohm said.

"He can't be. He has to be a werewolf, he growled earlier." Brian said.

Everyone was arguing about what we were. It was a great time to escape. Jonathan started walking backwards slowly and so did I, then I saw a light coming towards me. I blocked it and so did Jonathan with a magic shield then something fast came towards me and I used my super speed to dodge it and Jonathan did the same. I then smelt blood and meat mixed together. I looked at the direction it was coming from and saw Nogla holding it with the rest of the guys, shocked. I fucked up real bad. Jonathan was thinking the same thing

"What are you?" David said.

"It's hard to explain." I said. I looked down.

"Just tell us what you are, there is no need to explain." Mini ladd said.

"Were a hybrid." Jonathan said getting in front of me just in case.

"What do you mean??" Ohm asked.

"Were a werewolf, vampire, and witch mixed. We were experimented on long time ago. The scientist killed our parents and we been in the lab for so many years barely surviving. We escaped and killed some of the scientists. Some of them are still looking for us, so we moved here in Canada." Jonathan said, telling them everything. I know Jonathan doesn't want to tell him about our blood being a cure for werewolf bites and that we can't die from anything. There is a special metal knife that can't kill us but would make us go to sleep as long as it's still stabbed in our heart, if someone takes it out we wake up, but Jonathan destroyed it long time ago.

"Wow that's interesting. What do we do now? They are all three mixed together, where are they going to live?" Basically said.

"It can't be here. The vampires probably saw how you can walk out into the sun." Vanoss said.

"I know how to make something with my magic that can let you guys walk out into the sun. It's a ring." Jonathan said to vanoss.

"There is way too many vampires here for you to do that." Wildcat said.

"I will be fine. Just give me two days and I will be done." Jonathan told him.

"Ok. Make sure you don't get caught by the other vampires." Vanoss said.

"I will be back in a little." Moosnuckle said before leaving with his group.

"Me too." Nogla said leaving with his group to. The vampire group left. Jonathan laid on the couch. "Jonathan how are you going to make the vampires walk on daylight?" he looked at me

"I know I'm going to use my Witch powers of course. You stay put ok. While I make them, you keep watch to make sure no vampire sees me or you using our witch powers." I nodded.

It's been 3 days since Jonathan started. I walked up to his room. I opened the door seeing him on a chair casting a spell to a ring. I looked on his bed seeing a lot of rings. He looked at me and smiled. He looked so tired. I know he didn't sleep these days and used magic non-stop. I heard a knock on the door. I walked downstairs opening the door. I saw everyone back again. I let them in. I saw Jonathan coming down but using the wall for support. Luckily, they didn't see. Jonathan walked into the living room where they were looking normal.

"Did you finish?" Vanoss asked. That selfish jerk

"You alright?" Mini ladd asked Jonathan

"I'm fine." He said. I can tell Jonathan lied. I didn't even have to use my powers to know that. He looked like he can pass out any minute. He was blinking more a little.

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