Chap 21. The Plan

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Delirious pov.

We ran back in the lab fining the room with the supplies we need. I laid on the bed and so did Bryce.

"So you think these can help?" Lui asked me, while messing with test tubes in the lab.

"Maybe, we have to give it a try." Bryce said.

"Ok, we have to get a pints of your blood and try to put it in about a hundred little tubes." Brock said.

"Yeah that's going to be a bit hard." I sighed.

"Its the only way." Lui said.

"I know, but what of that's not enough?" I questioned.

"As long as you save some that's all that matters." Lui said. I nodded. "Do Bryce first." Lui nodded going to Bryce. Bryce laid down still as he can. Lui inserted the needle to him that made Bryce eye color change. Blood was sucked then went into the pint container. Lui was about to do it again but I used my super speed to hold Bryce down. Bryce was surprised but reacted to late. I used my magic to hold it down. "Delirious what are you doing!" Bryce yelled trying to get free. I can see he was trying to use his magic to get free but I didn't let him. it was strong but that blood was taken so he was kinda weak. that's what's going to happen to me.

"Do it to me. Take all my blood." I said. It shocked all of them.

"Are you crazy?!" Brock yelled at me

"They don't me call Delirious for nothing. Use all my blood. Use Bryce's and put it in the tubes then mine. It should help the Vampires." I said.

"Your going to die!" I can see tears fall off Bryce face.

"It's better on me then you. Do it Lui. I'm begging you! don't let Bryce do it!" Lui nodded.

I looked at my arm and to the needle. Lui started walking towards him.

"This might hurt a bit." lui said sticking the needle in my arm. My eye color changed.

"Jonathan!" Bryce yelled.

Luke pov.

"Stop!" Marcel screamed when Tyler threw one of the wolves across the field. All the werewolves growled.

"What?" Brian said smiling evilly while Tyler and Brian were laughing.

"What the hell?" David screamed.

"He shouldn't be threatening people he can't beat." Tyler said.

"Who said we couldn't beat you?" Ohm laughed.

"I did!" Brian yelled in anger.

"Stop them, Evan." I said. Marcel went to my side.

"To late." Evan laughed and looked at Brian.

Brian looked at Evan and smirked. Evan started to walk over there, but Marcel grabbed his wrist.

"You don't want to do this." Marcel said.

"Oh I think I do." Evan smiled and threw marcel. "Marcel!" I watched as Marcel landed on his back and tried to stay calm. I super speeded to him but wolves blocked my path. They started to growl at me. Marcel transformed facing me but he was ready to attack me. Marcel....... I ran back. I saw Brian looked straight into David's eyes and in a blink of an eye he was holding David's neck. The werewolves tried to protect him, but Evan ripped one of the wolves hearts out.

"Oops." He laughed. Ohm transformed.

"Oh this is going to be fun." Tyler smiled at Evan.

Evan looked at Tyler and Brian and said, "do it." In a blink of an eye werewolves were going down one by one. Brian grabbed one, but another scratched his back. Brian screamed and fell on the floor. The wolf was about to bite him until Tyler kicked him in his rib. The wolf landed on his stomach while he was holding his side gasping for air.

"Are you ok?" The wolf that was grabbed by Brain earlier asked.

"Im...fine, Minx. Keep fighing don't give up. I'll be up soon." she said. The wolf named Minx growled and helped one of the other wolves out with Evan.

"This is out of control." Marcel whispered, I saw Marcel next to me.

"You think?" I said looking at them.

"Why aren't you fighting? You're a vampire."

"Then kill me. I ain't gonna fight. This ain't right. Bryce and Delirious better hurry up." I said.

"Get your people to stop."

"You think I'm not?" I looked at Brian throwing around David like he was some kind of toy. "Evan is the leader and i'm at his side. You try to get your people to calm down and I'll do the same. Hopefully buy time." I said. He nodded transforming and going to some wolves. I super speeded with my eyes red getting ready.

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