Chap 18. We're what!?

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Jonathan pov.

"What did you do?!" I barely got out. I was still screaming from the pain, but the pain is slowly going away.

"I guess you're stronger than we thought. That was supposed to last for a whole day, but it just last 4 hours for you. Impressive." Adam said.

"Fuck you." I said with blood dripping from my mouth.

Adam chuckled and left the room. I was too weak to do anything. I want to make sure everyone was alright. I know Adam did something bad and once I gets out I'm going to kill him. I made this deal for their safety, especially Bryce's.

Bryce pov.

I was scared for brock, marcel, mini and lui. They weren't waking up at all. Pain was gone but nothing was in their mind that I could feel.

"What is going on?" Another witch, came into our vehicle asking us.

"Something happened to your leaders, pretty sure the scientists did this." David replied.

"Do you think they did something to kill them?" the witch asked.

"Most likely, that's what it seems like." Tyler answered.

"Go tell the other vehicles to wait. We need to solve this before we go so will go when the witch leaders and one wolf wakes up." Ohm told him. The witch nodded leaving to the other vehicles.

I stared at lui and marcel laying there, barely breathing at all. Then lui started to move around a bit

"Lui, LUI?! ARE YOY OK?!" David yelled.

"Stop yelling that is not going to help, David." Ohm said.

Lui sat up and rubbed his eyes. Marcel, Brock, and mini to.

"What's going on?" Lui asked.

"The scientists did something to you, marcel, mini, and Brock. We thought that you guys were not going to make it." Luke answered

"Do you feel different?" Brian asked.

"A little." Mini said, looking around.

"there eyes certainly look's different." Luke said. I looked at Marcel's eyes and noticed it turned red then brown. Brocks green eyes turn red and back to. I looked at Mini's seeing his blue eyes turn red to but back. I looked at Lui's seeing his brown eyes but they were still the same.

"What does that mean?" Brock started to panic a little. I was confused.

"Calm down lui. I'm going to get something I'll be right back. Ohm come with me." Evan said. Evan super speed out the van and came back with 4 packets of blood and ohm came back with 4 steaks.

I looked at the four, brock, lui's, and mini's eyes turned red. Marcel was drowling.

David quickly held lui down, Tyler held Mini down, Brian held Brock down, and Luke was holding Marcel down. But they looked at them and Tyler quickly went down screaming and covering his ears, so did Brian. Marcel Bited Luke to go for the blood. Lui bited David making David let go. Marcel punched Evan, took the packet and drank all of the blood with Brock and Mini doing the same, then let the three out of his magic. Lui punch Ohm taking the steak and eating it like an animal. They calmed down and looked around, scared.

"What did they do to us!?" Mini yelled.

"What the hell." I mumbled. Brock and mini are a witch and vampire mix. Marcel is Wolf and Vampire mix, Lui is a werewolf and witch mix. O my god Jonathan this is getting bad. Please me ok.

Jonathan pov.

I was scared for my friends. I don't want them hurt or anything like that. I want to leave and be with them, be with Evan and see my brother again. I want all this to stop. I know that they did something to my friends, but I don't know if it was really bad. Adam walked in with a big smirk on his face.

"Well I guess it worked, according to one of my scientists." Adam said.

"What did?" I said, still angry.

"Don't worry about it Jonny." Adam smirked at me.

Bryce pov

"We're what?!" Marcel screamed.

"Calm down, mar." Luke said to marcel. Marcel was blushing.

"So what now? We're just going to forget this all even happened and go get del?" Ohm asked.

"Yes, it's really not that big of a deal. Delirious could be dead if all we know." Brock said.

"Ok then lets go." I said

Jonathan pov.

"Don't you even think about hurting them!" I yelled after hearing one of the scientists announced that My friends are coming. And Bryce is to.

"Aww what's the fun in that?" Adam smirked.

"I swear when I get out out of here I will torture and make you wish you were never born for hurting them." I said getting angrier. Adam laughed and left the room. I started to stomp on the floor in anger due to me tied to a chair

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