A Friends Quarrel

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Things tad to get rough on the certain high school because of some gang problems though Katsuki tried his best to beat those annoying people, they always came back with new strategies. Once again, the lockers are vandalized by an anonymous person. Their supposedly gray locker was painted in sickening hot pink. For the last time, he had enough of these.

The blonde boy made his way upstairs, towards the only abandoned classroom in this school. Anger rising up his morals. He didn't care if he beat up his friend on the behalf of a safe school but that Izuku had made those thugs even more irritating than usual. For some reason the gang had never been spotted on action but alas, they broke the rules without being paid back by his explosion of justice. The nerves.

Soon enough he reached the room and knocked. The shuffling noises of feet and clothes were audible from the other side. "Ey! Izuku! I'm here to talk to you!" He exclaimed as hard as he can, probably alerting some innocent students and teachers. After a short while, the door opened, revealing a beaten black haired boy with Ash irises who looked at him in challenge. Katsuki shoved the guy aside in irritation and made his way in the unknown territory.

The gang members were scattered around the room, doing their own business. Some are smoking, brawling and even exchanging money and bets. Some eyed him mockingly which he glared back with high intimidation. To his dismay, no one dared to attack him when he reached the open window where the all familiar green haired boy sat. "You seem enjoying this power huh, Midoriya" Katsuki growled, explosion crackling on his palm dangerously. Izuku turned his head to face his friend, a smile painted on his face. "I am, and guess what Ka-chan?" The green haired boy asked excitedly. "What nerd?" The blonde boy growled.

Izuku's eyes turned dark but the smile remained. "I killed someone" he whispered on his friend. Katsuki, who almost forgot why he got here, he smacked the villain fanboy straight on the face; sending him flying only to be caught by the audience.

Izuku slowly rose up from his fall, crimson blood slowly dripping from his mouth. "That's a rough congratulations, Ka-chan" he laughed ever so innocently. "So you've turned to a real villain now, eh, Izuku" the blonde growled dangerously low. They circled each other like two predators trying to get on each other's neck. "I've always been a villain" Izuku said with a wide irritating grin.

No matter how much they attacked, blocked or dodged. The game isn't coming close to an end. "You bastard" Katsuki barked before attacking once more, despite the fact that he was soaking on his own sweat and blood. "Don't be rude Ka-chan, we've done countless of fighting before. We've memorized each other's movements, if we continue this furthermore we'll likewise fell unconscious because of exhaustion" the green haired boy warned in between puffs of air. "We don't want to be beaten by my own gang, right? It's either you stop this nonsense or suffer the consequences" he continued. For once, his friend was right. Letting his hand rest, he sighed in defeat. "Fine by me, I just came here to warn your stupid members" he turned towards the crowd of thugs. "Stop doing unnecessary things idiots, for all I know, villains aren't as stupid as any of you!" The short speech obviously mocked all the person in the room, but Katsuki didn't care. He can blow them up in just a second.

Before stepping out, Katsuki turned his head to look at his smiling friend. "I'll stop you one day and slap you with the fucking truth that heroes... always win, asshole" he said before leaving. "I know you will try..." Izuku mumbled, waving a hand for goodbye.

Pretty annoyed, Katsuki turned towards his classroom muttering some rainbows of curses. He never anticipated that Izuku would turn to someone like that. He never thought that his friend can stomach being a villain. But he was a fool, Izuku can and will be a villain. No matter how much they ignored each other, they knew they will eventually face off and claw each other to death.


Pretty short chapter but hope you like it

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