Training With Caution

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Everyone in 1-A is restless.

The sports festival is drawing near and every student needed to participate. Everyone is doing their best to train and develop. But the incident about Mr. Aizawa and Asui disappearing back at U.S.J. is disturbing them.

Bakugou Katsuki is having trouble himself. He felt anxious and nervous. He knew that this Sports Festival is going towards the wrong direction.

"Fuck this" he said before punching the post nearby.

Training is important but he felt like he should worry more about everyone's safety instead. Nedzu told him that Izuku is captured just a while ago and he knew that the whole story is wrong. Izuku being captured? That's impossible.

Katsuki took a deep breath before moving on. Walking towards the beach.

The sun is already sinking over the horizon. He remembered training together with his childhood friend here. Moving all the mounts of trash away is not an easy task. They took three whole months just to to so.

Katsuki threw his bag on the sand and he began to stretch. Now that he is here, his mind seemed to focus in training. Using his sweat to blast on the upcoming large waves is really fun.

Tactics and strategies, those were the ones he learned from watching Izuku fight. He can't formulate a strategy as fast as his childhood friend but he can think of many ways. Katsuki started to do aerobics. With his explosion quirk, its easy to blast himself on the air but landing is pretty much difficult without a fast and strong body.

Experimenting on his quirk is also important. Compressing his sweat and making it exploded inside his hands created a flat shockwave that can be used as projectiles. The problem is, he kept blasting himself too.

Hours passed by and he finally decided to go home.

His mother and father greeted him as always, ignoring the ranting of her mother by skipping dinner.

Katsuki slumped on his soft bed after changing his clothes. His eyes lingering on the poster of All Might hanging on the wall. Katsuki kept reminding himself that All Might is no longer the number one hero. But he can't just accept Endeavor to be the number one.

It doesn't suit him at all.

He clenched his fist. Its all that nerd's fault. Everything that happened till now, is on his twisted schemes. Katsuki knew that Izuku is about to make a move. A move that will end everything that the heroes created. The peace, the hope and the future...everything will be destroyed.

He couldn't sleep at all. Katsuki kept turning and moving but he can't find the right position at all. His mind is occupied and he can't calm down more or less relax.

"Fuck this" he whispered when he looked at the time: 11:25 p.m.

Katsuki sat up. He pulled a jacket from his closet and opened his window. The blonde teen jumped on the ledge and looked down on his lawn. The moon is still up high, nearly at its peak. There is no turning back now.

He jumped, landing on the grass as silent as a cat would land on its paws. He forgot to wear shoes but as if he would give a shit about that right now. Katsuki started to walk while stretching, wounding his way towards the familiar streets towards the beach.

Fortunately, the cold is bearable.

Katsuki started to punch and kick, accompanied by explosions and shockwaves. His body is starting to ache but he didn't care about that at all. He need to train for the upcoming sports fest and for him to ease his mind.

But everything is only getting worse.

He stopped. He felt as if someone is watching him. Katsuki turned his head on all directions but he saw no one. The sea breeze is hitting on his jacket, making flapping sounds in the silence. Sweat trickled down his neck as he tried to look around once again.

Maybe he is just paranoid after all....

Katsuki was about to relax when he heard rustling from a nearby coconut tree. His instincts kicked in, he jumped to a protective stance while glaring at tree.

"Come out asshole!" He exclaimed.

The human behind the tree finally showed himself. With hands raised on the air, Shouto stepped out from the shadows.

The sight of the attacker who stabbed All Might made Katsuki angry. He clenched his hands and gritted his teeth. But he didn't try to attack.

"What the hell are doing here criminal?!" He exclaimed in pure hatred.

"Help me..." Shouto said, "please"

The last word came out as a whisper. Shouto was desperate, he need to ask his mother directly or his mind wouldn't take a rest. Curiosity, indeed, killed the cat.

"Help you?" Katsuki lowered his shield for a moment. "Fuck off! Why should I help someone who stabbed All Might?!" He exclaimed, his anger rising up higher.

"Just this once..." Shouto tried.

But what he got is something more painful.

Katsuki lunged at him, punching him straight on the face. The burning sensation of a strong explosion coursed in his whole body. Shouto flew, bouncing and rolling on the rough sand several times before finally settling.

"I'll kill you, you fucking bastard! I'd really fucking do!" Katsuki growled, blasting himself on the air towards the lying Shouto.

"Why should I help you?! Huh!"

Shouto winced at pain on his stomach after Katsuki had kicked him again and again. He didn't mind, because he deserved this kind of punishment.


This time, the last kick made Shouto fly again. His back hitting the hard surface of a coconut tree. He barfed up some blood and then started to cough uncontrollably.


Katsuki trudged towards Shouto. His face showing how much he hated the guy. But this time, his red eyes were calmer.

"Because your the only one I can ask right now!"

The sudden outrage made Katsuki freeze for a moment. Shouto pushed himself up from the ground and stood up, leaning on the tree for balance. He held his bruised stomach and looked at the blonde teen in front of him.

"I need to talk to my mother. So please, help me...just this one time" he said.

Katsuki glared, looking lies in those mismatched eyes. But there are none.

"Tsk. Fine. Now stay still you asshole" he growled, pulling his phone from his pocket.

He dialed the number of the U.A.'s only healer.


Shouto only listened. The problems he had is swarming in his mind. His mother, his father and that Kana Miki villain. To make his soul finally feel calm after that disturbing make himself forgive his own terrible actions. He need to fulfill his goal.

"Yes, I almost killed Shouto"


Katsuki finally ended the call.

"She's on her way. Also, she's going to help you"



This chapter is really fun to write!

Anyway, thank for reading as always!

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Next update: Saturday!

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