His Own League

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Its been a week since the first day of school and the information about All Might teaching at U.A. exploded around the city.

Izuku knew that sooner or later, the league would finally make a move. Allies or enemy, he wouldn't back down.

He just needed the timing then he can finally make a move.

Today is Saturday and Izuku is searching for another sponsor for the heroes. But he was unlucky, his target was surrounded by two heroes. But its a risk it or leave it situation since his target is from America and he didn't know how long will he be staying in Japan.

Jumping down from the ledge, he aimed the blade on the hero's head as he fall. Ripping the poor guy's​ head into two as fresh blood spouted through. "You're the 'Green Reaper'" the other hero pointed out, blocking the sponsor with his own body.

Izuku flicked the blood out of his blade. "What an ugly name, you heroes are certainly uncreative mammals" the fanboy said, a smile painted on his face. "But just to be honest, it kind of suits​ me"

He threw the blade at an incredible speed, aimed at the hero's gut; only to be blocked by his quirk. The hero's arm turned to a big hard shield. "You killed the offense, I am the defense" The blade clattered harmlessly on the ground as it bounced off.

The fanboy eased himself closer. "Its obvious, that's​ why I aimed the first kill towards him... it's the only reason your alive" he explained then flicked his wrist upwards.

The blade flew to his hand. "I knew it, your quirk has to do with metal!" the white sponsor screamed, phone at hand.

Izuku clicked his tongue, and wagged his gloves finger. "Nope" he threw the blade letting it stuck on the pavement of the wall behind the two persons. "You missed murderer" the hero said as he charged with his proud shield up while screaming justice.

"Did I?" Izuku produced another blade on his left hand and slid to the side of the ravaging bull, arms stretched just as his smirk.

For a sudden moment, the hero felt nothing...then his  feet are gone. He howled in pain, dropping on the ground.

The villain aimed the blade on the cowering sponsor"I am quirkless, my dear hero. Whats special?...it is my blades. Made it with someone for a nice price, never thought I need it" Sure enough, the wire he'd seen was connected to the back of each blades, running on the fanboy's sleeve and jutting out once again on his other sleeve. A nearly invisible wire that severed the hero's legs.

Then his smirk droop to a frown."But this person here is cheating, but it's clever to stay still...cowards tend to run around, chopping their own heads off by running over a  wire" Izuku growled, his target aiming a real gun at his head. "I tend to protect myself" the American said, slightly trembling.

The green head sighed; when suddenly, a metal bat flew out of nowhere, smashing the poor sponsor on the face. The gun flew upwards, hitting the wall once and landed on the floor as the body slumped still, unconscious.

Izuku looked around, a smile on his face. "Kirita" he said just as the black haired kid came out from the dark. "Your really missing your grips on your missions lately"

The fanboy and his companion dragged the two dead bodies on a nearby dumpster. "Take this unconscious guy to the usual...I'll surely take good care of him" Kirita nodded, then fished a phone out of his pocket. "I'll call Kana, we will take care of things here. You go on, we will meet back at the lair"

The fanboy cleared his throat, "you forgot to add something" he said, making the black haired roll his eyes, "Boss".

Izuku flicked his wrist, the blade stuck on the wall came zipping back on his hand; nearly impaling Kirita on the eye by inch. "Don't you ever forget that" then he dashed towards the rooftop, leaving his frozed companion.

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