Into The Enemies Lair

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The heroes confined him in the hospital... How rude. They think that he lost his mind; sure he is a lunatic and such but he doesn't have any mental illness.

They even made him wear a straight jacket, he suddenly felt like an animal tied in a cage. 

Izuku sighed, they even stripped him with all his belongings before they are satisfied. His weapons and  clothes are all gone, fortunately they let his undergarment stay.

Midnight is walking beside him, her expression unreadable but he knew what she was thinking: how come Midoriya gave up so easily.

He smirked, eyes darting around until he caught a map just by a fire clear glimpse is all it takes for him to memorize everything. If they are walking, Midnight might caught him staring or he might get a blur shot.

Izuku waited patiently, two meters

He coughed violently, blood spewing from his mouth and he used his hand to support himself from falling, leaning on the wall just beside the map. He trailed his eyes up on the map for a good one second before Midnight approached him, concerned.

"What happened?" She asked, gripping the teenagers shoulders and bended a little to check him.

Izuku smiled, "nothing, I accidentally bit my tongue because of nervousness. You know that feeling for sure; entering an enemies lair plus...don't forget this insane straight jacket they gave me" he said, trying to wipe the blood off his mouth.

The heroin sighed and pulled a red handkerchief from his pocket. "Stay still..." She said before wiping the blood off. "I insisted on putting that jacket on you but the security here is too high" she explained.

'What a very soft woman' he thought.

The blood on the white jacket didn't go, making him look like a satanic child from an asylum. Nonetheless they marched deeper into the hallway.

Izuku stared blankly ahead, examining the map in his mind. Slowly, a crooked grin formed on his lips. 'They are keeping All Might here? How convenient' he thought.

The clicking of Midnight's heels stopped causing him to halt too. He shook his thoughts and looked. "Mirio...Togata?" She mumbled, "what are you doing here child?" She asked.

A blonde teenager, probably older than him with plain face and bulky body, sat solemnly on a lined red chair. In front of him, across the hall was a white double door...probably the place where All Might is moved. "Hello Ma'am Midnight, actually, I'm waiting for Sir Nighteye" he announced, the sad face turning to a smile.

The heroin glanced at the white doors, her face full of worry. "Well, me and Izuku here is heading towards the interrogation room in the basement" she explained. Mirio nodded, then stared at the blood covered teen standing beside her.

Izuku tried a smile, showing his blood stained teeth. "Well its nice to meet you Izuku" he said. "I'm Mirio Togata, one of the big three"

The villain's smile widened. "You're so friendly towards me...a villain" he announced. The blonde teen's smile didn't budge, he simply shrugged. "I treat everyone as a human being and you are too" he explained. Izuku laughed, causing more blood to spill out of his mouth. Mirio certainly piqued his interest.

"That merciful personality of yours will surely lead you to your downfall, be careful" he said before starting to walk forward. His cold eyes trailing back on the long hallway before him, Midnight trailing behind.

The young hero watched the villain's back until they are only two undetermined spots on the very long hallway. He smelled something evil around the kid; intimidating and menacing at the same time.  Especially those green eyes. He is dangerous.

Izuku analyzed the supposedly strongest amongst all students of U.A. One of the big three, Mirio Togata. He heard them from Shinsou but he wasn't expecting the strongest to be a very huge threat on the way. One wrong move and he might be at the disadvantage.

"We are drawing near child, please cooperate" Midnight said, halting in front of a huge elevator than can carry a whole truck. Izuku looked around hoping for another map towards the lower grounds. 

After what felt like ten minutes in a very slow ride, the elevator stopped. It opened, revealing another long hallway, much more emptier than the last hallway. With only white tiles and white lights lined up above.

Ahead, there is a huge circular metal door. Midnight halted, "Pro Hero Midnight" she announced and the door clicked open, opening like an elevator door.

Izuku took note of everything, analyzing everything in his mind.

"We're here" she mumbled.

The inner lair of the heroes is even wider than his own lair. Busy heroes and professionals walk by, carrying random things. Izuku spotted the interrogation room almost instantly, next to it was another huge metal door; probably leading down the lower floors where they kept the most dangerous villains. His crooked grin widened inside his head.


Some heroes stopped to give him a look, others of hate, others of pity. He can always determine the two types of heroes everywhere.

Midnight ushered him inside another metal door where the interrogation room is. The detectives, police and heroes looked at them almost simultaneously. Izuku smiled lazily, his amusement getting bigger when he spotted Endeavor sitting at the waiting area; face grim and his eyes are glaring at him.

"Midnight, you're finally here" Nedzu said, his expression unreadable as always.

"Assignment complete" she reported in beckoning the villain to follow the detective. He didn't resist; making the others suspicious.

Izuku and detective Nakamura entered the soundproof room. Nedzu, Midnight, the police officials and Endeavor stood outside by the one sided mirror. They watched with different feelings on top of the others.

Nakamura sat on the chair, opposite from the little villain who kept smiling at his own amusement.

"Now, shall we start?"


Sorry for waiting...

Though I did it! Summer vacation is here and my grades are just on the right path! Luckily, the exams is not that hard.

Thank you for waiting!

Thank you for supporting me as always!

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