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Shouto clenched his fist and sighed. He was sitted in the principal's office, waiting for the pro-heroes' judgment. He was on the wrong, he knew that but somehow... This seemed unfair.

He only wanted to help, but his powers are too strong for his own good.

But what the hell is this feeling of satisfaction?

He killed the hope and let the despair run away. For short, he saved the evil. But All Might dived in himself, he was on the innocent side...

Is he?

"Shouto, you will come with me" Endeavor said, a sickening grin plastered on his face.

But Shouto didn't like it, this birthday surprise...or whatever its called, made his stomach turn.

"Where?" He asked, face of complete neutrality. His father only gestured him to follow.

They went in the city with a care. "Be alert, we are here to capture a villain". Shouto is right, this is all wrong and soon will turn worse.

He clambered on his seat, fiddling to unlock the seatbelt but his father shot him a glare; a warning.

He swallowed. He was sure that his father will test him...test his powers, but he was not mentally ready. No matter how much you trained when your mind is weak, you will be defeated.

" I'm not sure if this was a good idea father" he started, trying to reason out. "No, you need experience Shouto. To try and catch a villain"

The car stopped in front of the police line. They went out of the car, his father on the lead. Endeavor talked to the police, sometimes pointing at Shouto.

The Number Ones (A Villain Midoriya A.U)Where stories live. Discover now