Hahahaha...So Funny

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A million thanks to my readers!
I'm so glad I made this book!
I'm feeling better now thanks to you.

Let's get back to the story!!!

Its her first time getting an assignment like this and obviously, she didn't like it one bit.

She loves children, and now she will force a child to come with her...for short, abduction.

But its an important mission, they even warned her that Izuku is not someone to mess with. He is a murderer, a criminal, a villain that needs to be jailed.

Midnight sighed quietly in front of Midoriya's house.

She pressed the doorbell once, the rigging broke the silent night. The door opened almost immediately, revealing a chubby woman with green hair and eyes. Midnight swallowed the guilt once again, reminding herself that this mission will be over soon.

"May I help you?" Mrs. Midoriya asked, her face a mix of curiosity and happiness. Midnight forced a smile and pulled out her hero license. "I'm a hero, you see...and I wanted to talk to you about your son"

The older woman didn't falter, she simply side stepped to let the hero in. As soon as Midnight stepped inside, Inko closed the door gentle and asked her so sit.

Midnight couldn't stop looking around nervously. She saw various photos of Izuku as a child, either hanging on the walls or placed on the tables and shelves. There was one photo that got her interest the most; sitting on a small coffee table nearby the television was a photo of his target wearing a bloodied tuxedo while grinning, a bored girl with blue hair standing besides him and another violet haired teen holding a suitcase on the other side. The buildings behind them seemed to be consumed in fire. There are other three children behind but the picture is too blurry for it to make sense.

"Please have a drink" the woman said, startling the pro hero.

Inko gave a soft smile as she placed a tray with a tea set plus some tempting cookies on the larger table in front of the couch. Midnight wanted to ask a lot of things, but she is not here for those reasons.

After taking a sit, "Is your son around?" She asked, waiting for the tea to be poured on her cup. The older woman shook her head while tilting the teapot slowly. "My baby Izuku didn't come home yesterday. He told me he has things to do"

Midnight narrowed her eyes, "you aren't worried?" She asked, lifting the cup towards her lips and blew. "No, he is a grown kid. He can stand on his own...he is very strong after all" the lone mother said, serving herself with a cup of tea. "You are aware then"

"Aware of what exactly, Ms. Pro Hero?"

"That your son is a wanted criminal, a murderer and a villain" the black haired woman pressed in.

Inko was silent for a while, then she finally gave a smile. "I have known my child ever since he was born. He might be a villain, but he is still my son." She looked at the hero on the eyes, "Honestly, I'm tired of people asking about how my son is very different. Izuku is a good son, but he is a very bad civilian."

"And I love the way he is now"

They ate in awkward silent. Midnight's assignment for today is to ask Inko about Izuku's whereabouts. But the atmosphere isn't comfortable for both of them, she isn't aware that the lone mother knew about her son being a villain. It makes her more nervous and anxious inside the enemy's house.

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