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Endeavor glared at the green haired villain chilling on the metal chair. A small microphone in front of him and the straight jacket restricting any of his tricks...at least some of his tricks.

Shouto has been missing for over a day and he can't stop thinking about how irresponsible he is. He should've talked to his son when he have the time...now he has no idea where Shouto went.

The speakers opened up, making the silent interrogation room filled with a buzzing sound of silence from the microphone on the other room. "Izuku Midoriya; leader of the banes, the green reaper, and the ultimate genius of the whole world... as they said it." The detective's voice echoed through.

"You are found suspicious of murdering our men and some of the civilians. What say to your defense?" The detective asked, straight to the point. His hands were clasped together as he glared at Izuku's cold eyes who simply frowned. The villain leaned forward, "Nothing. I admit I did. Why didn't stop me when you knew how many I've taken?" He asked, his eyes turning sharper when he faced the one sided mirror. Looking straight on Endeavor's eyes, creeping the hell out of the professionals.

He looked back at the detective who has his mouth suppressed on a line. "Because you are a minor Izuku and All Might insisted that you stay free for a while. Just so he can change you...but now he is on his deathbed. Severed by his own student." Nakamura leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes for a while, trying to calm his boiling anger. "And you say...its my fault that the symbol of hope is on his deathbed?" Izuku asked, raising an eyebrow.

The detective nodded. "We heard it from Mr. Bakugou. You are in the accident along with other two villains on the ship wreck" he explained.

There was silence for a while, "the shipwreck is hundreds of meters away from the fight. How can you assume that I caused all this crisis?" He asked, curious of what the heroes got from that loud mouth of his childhood friend.

The door suddenly opened, revealing a tall man with a grim expression. Nighteye pushed up his glasses and closed the door before him. "The explosion" he mumbled while making his way towards Izuku. "We found out that Shouto Todoroki was in panic after the explosion. When we tried to ask him what happened and all he can say is how confused he is during the incident." He placed a hand on the villain's shoulder.

"You are indeed a genius Midoriya. Planning an explosion to set the confusion in Todoroki's already anxious state. Thus freezing everyone at the scene. Well thanks to that, some villains are immobilized but along with the students-" Izuku smiled, "-And you know that immobilizing both enemies will conclude to your win. During the confusion, you took both Eraserhead and Asui Tsuyu...am I right, Mr. Genius? Even if we had investigated for two weeks, we still fell in this conclusion"

Silence. Everyone went still as they waited for the villain's response. Even Nighteye isn't sure of his own conclusion, what he said is risky. Just like juggling with knives. One wrong move and the heroes might get the disadvantage.

Izuku leaned back on the chair and looked at the white ceiling. "Heroes, always assuming that they are right. That they are good. But honestly, villains can be turned heroes as heroes can be turned villains. Risky. Even I, the leader of the banes had to keep my eye peeled for those who are willing to stab me on the back and ran away to stick with the heroes" he looked at the detective and smiled. "You know I talked to Shouto once. Can you guess what he said?"


"I'll think about it"

The door slammed open, Endeavor stood by the door gritting his teeth. The anger burning in his eyes and the fire surrounding him burned brighter. "You tried to turn my son into a villain?!" He exclaimed marching towards Izuku who only glared back at him. Nighteye stood between them, blocking the pro hero from making another trouble.

"If you are wondering who made Shouto like that. It was you, his own father. You think training him everyday would make him powerful one day? You think that by judging his own power would make him a good hero? Think twice Mister. Because pressure, depression and an uncontrollable quirk would not result to a powerful hero. It can result to a mind confusion...a mental crisis and breakdown of a person" the interrogation room seemed to turn darker and colder as Endeavor's fire faded little by little. "Not a person...but a child. I asked him once if he wanted to join me, if he wanted to be free from your unloving grasp but he turned me down all because he is thinking about his mother and siblings. Because your son is scared that you might pull his siblings into a hellish training plus a ruined childhood" the words seemed to burn the pro hero harder than his own power. "You are the total opposite of your son. You. Are. Weak. But Shouto is strong"

With that, Endeavor blinked some tears away. His fire is now nothing but air. His normal hair turned back, revealing his true human self. Midnight approached the pro hero and tried to comfort him by placing a hand on his warm shoulder. But the man only turned away and sat back on the chair where he waited.

Izuku has a grim expression. He faced the detective again and leaned forward. "So what's next? Reveal that Asui had a high chance of going us too?"


I've been waiting to write this chapter and I love it!

Hope you like this chapter!

See ya

I know that the previous chapter is supposed to be The Villain And The Dying Hope but my plans kind of changed a bit.

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