Shouting And Explaining

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Katsuki tapped the plastic chair impatiently. The smell of mixed medicines engulfing his sense of smell, making him even more annoyed.

He decided to talk to his childhood friend because of some disturbing events, especially some dangerous involvement to the league of villains.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something wrong will happened.

The door finally opened, Inko slipped out slowly; "See you later Izuku" she whispered out before closing the door.

The blonde stood up in instinct. "Mrs. Midoriya" he greeted.

The older woman smiled, obviously happy to meet him. "Why, hello Katsuki" she said.

"Is he still awake?" He asked.

"Yes, but he is still too weak to move so please don't try to hurt each other yet...if it's possible" Inko said, Katsuki nodded.

The room is plain white, and only sound you could​ hear is the beeping machine next to the lying boy by the clean bed.

Izuku moved his head to look at his childhood friend sneering at him. "Who the fuck did this to you?" He growled. The fanboy looked pale and in pain.

The fanboy shrugged, "a villain" he answered as if it is obvious.

The blonde sat by a plastic chair overlooking the padlocked window. Probably for 'someones' safety from jumping off from building to building like a fucking Spiderman​.

"So why are you here? You never visited​ me when I'm on house arrest so why bother now?" Izuku asked in a bored voice.

"What the fuck are you planning Izuku? What the fuck is the meaning of that letter?" He asked seriously. Eyes glaring sharp daggers at the fanboy, who only laughed at the stupid question.

"Oh, why don't you guess Ka-chan?" He asked back, a smirk settling on his lips as his good arm fling on the air, writing an invisible question mark.

The hero stood up and stood by the bed. "Why are you mocking All for One? What the fucking fuck are you planning?" He asked much more intimidating.

But Izuku will never be defeated by fear.

He flicked his wrist and a blade jutted out of his white sleeve, landing on his hand. "You mom is very caring and understanding. She even let my blades stay on." He sighed, "Ka-chan, didn't we dream together? I want to be the number one villain...and he is the number one villain. Obviously, one shall perish" he flicked his wrist, letting the blade slip back in.

"There's​ only one number one Ka-chan. And you should do the same-" Katsuki shook his head, removing the dark thoughts that Izuku planted in his head.

"-to All Might" The villain grabbed the railing by the side of the bed and rolled by the edge, letting himself fall down, just before the hero exploded.

Glass shattered, machines broken and the nice comfy futon on top of the bed is now burnt to crisp. The room that was supposedly white and clean turned brown and black, obviously burned as the smoky smell filled the small room.

The smoke detector turned on, along with the blaring alarm, wetting the two boys.

"Don't you dare say that again nerd! I will never, ever be like you!" He exclaimed. "I will climb to the top with my own strength!" Anger exploded through his nerves, filthy plans invading his mind.

Izuku, now leaning on the wall to support himself, laughed. "You have the quirk to do that, though I only have my wits to claw myself up. Didn't you remember how hard I worked just for this to happened?"
He chuckled, "ever since I was four years old Ka-chan, I am already planning this"

Katsuki cleched his fists and gritted his teeth. "Your twisted Izuku, I should have killed you back then" he grumbled, aiming a punch at the weak green head.

This time, he landed a hit on the villain's jaw, then on the cheek, then on the stomach and so on.

That's when the door opened. People separated them, but they are too busy glaring at each other to make sense of their surrounding.

Their eyes were burning with fury, aura changing to fierce intimidation.

Officers started to ask them, but they stayed silent...though Katsuki answered the most important question amongst all.

"I did it"

Once, they were settled down and now two meters away from each other with towels draped on their heads.

Nurses changed Izuku's wet bandages and attended their wounds. Katsuki didn't even notice a chunk of broken glass sticking on his leg until they pointed it out for him.

When they were alone, Izuku sighed, "But you can't kill me... because I am the only true friend you've got"

Katsuki was confronted by his mother before they drived home. He felt grumpy and all. But his childhood friend's words kept echoing inside his head like a broken record.

Shouto was by himself once again as he trained at their family's gym.

Bad luck, Endeavor had spotted him. "Shouto, working hard once again" his father said, standing by the door.

He didn't bother looking nor answering, he kept his concentration on training or he might lose himself on the midst of emotions.

"Ignoring me as always" then his father walked away.

Shouto puffed, catching his breath.

He decided to get a glass of water when he overheard his siblings talking on the living room. "Why is this Midoriya kid always on T.V.? He looks so weak and pathetic...First, villains are after him. Now, even his own classmate? His life sucks"

"Look at those burns and bandages. Ugh"

He tried his best to ignore...but sometimes, this doesn't work.





He clutched his head, as memories came rushing like a rampaging river.

It's been five  years since that tragedy but it was still very fresh in his mind.

The way his mother looked at him still huanted his dreams.

"Mom are you scared at me?"


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