Ending 2: Wrong Decision

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(Book 2 cover above)

The heroes are devastated.

After what had happened back to their lair, the government and the heroes are having a hard time. Its either they cancel the Sports Fest or they would try helping the underground lair back to its feet after three days.

But the students of U.A. is eager for the Sports Fest and everyone of them is doing their best getting ready.

Though the sudden breakdown of the underground jails isn't broadcast, they announced at the television that the town isn't safe for a while and the heroes announced a city lockdown. The areas around the hero lair were locked and evacuated for easier recapturing of the villains.

They believed that with the help of every hero, they can recapture every villain after three days...or so they thought.

But with the heroes busy, the banes are already making their move in the background.

Shinsou started to infiltrate the Japanese military, ready to control everything after two days. He started counting the number of guns they had.

Kana on the other hand is taking notes of the council. Checking their every move alongside the heroes.

Ochako is busy practicing with handling gravity with multiple objects for the upcoming fight.

Hatsume is doing her best creating a new weapon that she can be proud of.

And Izuku is in his laboratory, producing more of his serum with a smile on his face.

Almost everyone has jobs to do.

Even U.A. is busy with training.


"This is fucked up" Katsuki growled as he slammed his fists on the principal's table.

Just after they exited the hospital, Shouto explained how he and his mother finally talked things through; that he didn't care. Though he left without any knowledge as of why his mother looked so down and mad. He tried nagging his mother about it but no matter how hard he tried, she would only shut him up.

Then the day after, he found out from the principal that the Banes had made their move to attack at the underground base of the heroes without the public's knowledge. Its very irritating how they can't interfere with this important things.

"Why would you even continue the Sports Fest if something so big just came up?!" Katsuki exclaimed.

Nedzu watched him ramble while pouring green tea on his cup.

"This is fucking ridiculous! The stupid pro heroes are playing right on the enemies hands!"

The principal sipped his tea. No one knew that All Might has been taken except for Nedzu and everyone who survived the attack. Actually, he was there when they attacked.

While dragging Tooru with him, the lights turned off and the emergency red lights operated on there own; revealing that his prisoner is gone.

What shocked him the most is the fact that they had an overwhelming quirk. He can't do anything except to help up the wounded. He didn't even see their attackers.

They just...disappeared.

Whats odd is that he is the only one who left the place unscathed after the fire broke out and the villains scattered around.

What's more is that he found out how broken Nighteye is.

The enemies is no ordinary kids.

And now, in front of him is a teenager ranting about them being a failure as a hero.

"Katsuki, I do understand what your trying to say. But we also have our right to make decisions. If we were to cancel the Sports Festival, everyone of our future heroes will be delayed upon making progress through being a true and legalized hero"

"Bull. Shit." Katsuki spat.

"This is a wrong decision. A stupid decision. If you were to follow the stupid government then do so!"

Katsuki turned to his heels, facing the door. "Better not regret it later. Cause I had a feeling everyone will fucking do" after that, he left the office without looking back.

Nedzu knew that. The final decision is wrong. That is for the people who knew about the Banes.

Almost only ten percent of the pro heroes knew about them. Mostly because the Banes work in the dark; forging files, hiding behind the known villains and threatening those who speak of their name.

They work, not  because of fame nor money. Not because of pride or power. But through sense of passion and selfish justice that they call Equality.

If the known villains are bandits; then the Banes are the assassins.

That's why most of the pro heroes thought that the danger is made by the League of Villains.

Because its all they know.

And Nedzu knew that the Banes of Equality already buried themselves inside the government. Using their voice as they threatened the higher council who have the power to control the pro heroes.

Nedzu leaned on his chair, sighing very deeply.

'The heroes is no more'


Shouto stared at his hands.

His heart felt heavier than stone.

His mother acknowledged him very well but he felt even more confused.

When he asked his mother about her being a hero. Neya denied it instantly, shuting Shouto down. But he wasn't contented until his questions are answered.

But the time is very short.

Shouto knocked at the door of the Midoriya household. The door was opened almost immediately by Inko, who only smiled at him with a welcome.

He felt at ease in this house. Mostly because he knew that he is always welcome inside. No one is pushing him into becoming the number one hero and no one is trying to lock him up because of his guilty crime.

No way in hell is he going back home.

Though Shouto really missed his older siblings.

As Inko ushered him in the kitchen, serving him warm food. He prayed that  his siblings is doing well and hoped that his father would leave them alone.

And again, he also prayed that soon enough, his mother will open up and enlighten him about the past. Its not like he didn't acknowledge his mother, he loved her very much too; but he has burning guilt inside of him that he can only extinguish if her mother cooperated with him.

Again, Shouto stared at his hands.

His right hand produced fire that burned hundreds of innocent humans.

His left hand produced ice that pierced the people's hope -All Might- on the chest, leaving despair in everyone's heart.

Both of his hands...

Did something evil.

And yet, his heart felt guilty of crimes he committed. Even if he knew that Izuku is behind all this, he is still a part of the play.

That's why...

He needed to take action.


Here you go everyone!

The book is almost over and the book  2 cover is ready!

I'm hyped!

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See ya'

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