Ending 3: Day Before The Chaos

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The Banes is ready.

That is how Shouta described the situation below their cage.

Each and everyone of them stood still in ten straight lines, each line containing thirty villains. Youngest to Oldest, or rather...weakest to strongest.

The pro hero isn't surprised of this kind of thing anymore. He watched them for so long that he started to understand how powerful and scary their loyalty is towards the leader.

Asui stood besides him, watching warily and anxiously. Knowing that something big and bad is going to happened soon.

Only two leaders are present in front of the lined villains.

Defying and Mimic.

And of course, the head of the Banes- Izuku Midoriya.

The villain fanboy smiled as he stood in front of the villains. Either happy, amused or excited of the event.

"As we all know. We Banes have suffered painfully through all those years under the rules of the blinded society" Izuku's smile faltered into a thin line of seriousness.

"But everything will change after tomorrow" he walked towards his people, everyone on the range of 7 to 20 years old. "Our family or villains will take over everything...nothing will be left for the heroes"

Izuku faced a child, no older than eight. He held a teddy bear on one hand and his clothes is a uniform from a school nearby. He looked at Izuku with determined eyes, in which the main villain responded with a smile and pat on the head.

"We, the Banes will finally step up towards the light. No matter how heavy our sins are, no matter how guilty. We spend no mercy upon the people above, not unless they pledged themselves of loyalty in our family"

Izuku walked around, his eyes watching everyone of them. Eyeing them one by one.

"They say villains aren't kind...but we share warmth among each other. We help each other to trample those who went against us. If one of us is afraid, we fight for his stead but if one of us fails to learn..." Izuku sighed, "then, he is nothing but a livestock...a fool and a dead person"

He went back in front, "Villains are evil, and being evil is a sin. We are sinners who have a heavy heart and wary mind, thirsty of power. Revenge. Satisfaction" he opened his arms.

"We are the Banes of Equality. We are harbinger of despair that will create Equality"

Shouta couldn't believe what he's hearing. Everything that the villain fanboy had said sounded so true full of will and determination; but he knew what the main villain is doing.

He is brainwashing everyone.

They are children. And kids are easy to manipulate and influence, even easier to teach and develop. Shouta is shocked beyond belief as he saw the whole picture.

The truth behind of why Izuku had chosen children to be his ally is now very understandable and reasonable.

The children treated him as if he was a father who they should learn and listen to, and other times a brother who they could rely on and a leader who showed them the way. Izuku had treated them as they wanted him to be.

He acted as a father for those who didn't have any, or brother to those who wanted attention, or even mother to those who wanted affection and sometimes as a teacher to those who wanted to be answered.

And as children...they wanted to be appreciated by whom they have their respect, which is- Izuku himself.

Izuku controlled their trust through bonding and manipulating. As innocent as they are, they didn't feel controlled at all or maybe they just ignored that fact because they feel at ease around people just like themselves.

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