Choiches Amongst Lives

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Its harder than what it seems to be.

Somewhere, around the frozen domed building was Shouto trying his best to choose. One minute left and his friends might die... But, are they his friends on the first place?

As painful at it sounds, he doesn't think so.

But there are heroes too, if he let anyone die then he is proving himself that he is a villain, just like his mother pointed out; obviously, he doesn't like that.

But using his right side felt like breaking his personal taboo.

Shouto held his breath and let the powers from his father rush through his system. His feelings mixed and contorted: disgusted, angry, relief, powerful.

With a blast of hot air, the ice melted almost instantly.

Water splashed down and chunks of unmelted ice slid everywhere with the mix of debris. All of the people coughed and breath, some trembled of the chill. Miraculously, the ice sliced the chunks of falling rocks into smaller ones.

Shouto's face was grim, he didn't know why he felt so disappointed of himself.

His classmates backed away from him from fear.

Who wouldn't feel afraid of someone who froze everyone to almost death. Actually, some died...but Shouto simply ignored the fact.

He can't bare looking at their terrified faces anymore, it simply brings back the painful memories from the past. So he dashed off, freezing every villain he set an eye to.

He wasn't sure where he is heading to but his legs stopped as soon as he was in front of the heart of U.S.J. where Eraser Head coughed violently, he was drenched in cold water and he was trembling uncontrollably... On the other side was a man with long pale blue hair, a hand masking his face shivering and slowly making his way towards the hero; eyes filled with craziness.

"I don't care whoever froze me, just bring your hope here and let me kill him" the villain said, teeth chattering. The villains around them were mostly unconscious or dead and some of the survivors were simply suffering to frost bite or hypothermia to actually had the strength to move.

Shouto was confused who to help. He can be a hero, freeze or burn Tomura then help Shouta. Or, freeze or burn Shouta and help Tomura. Though the second choice wasn't good, he can't trust the villains...although freedom is tempting.

But the heroes will be soon here since his ice broke through the domed ceiling of the building, its natural for them to be alert.

That's when All Might arrived at the scene. He stood tall and buff with a smile on his face. "I am here!" He exclaimed, voice full of hope.

All hell break loose.

"Kurogiri! Release Nomu!" The villain exclaimed.

Kurogiri had a hard time since his real body just froze but he willed his power to open a small portal, enough, so Nomu can fit. Thirteen was unconscious along with the other students except from Iida who have a hard time helping his classmates, he is the only one who survived the ice manifestation since they trusted him to call out the heroes only to turn back when the whole building froze.

A large villain stepped out, his head shaped like a crow's. He screeched as soon as he spotted All Might. Shouto was stunned, nothing he could do except watch Nomu and All Might fight, even his eyes had a hard time following their movements.

Katsuki groaned as he sat up, he felt really cold as if someone just placed him inside a refrigerator and splashed him with ice cold water.

He tried to use his explosions to warm himself which is amazingly effective. Around him were more water and unconscious classmates and villains. He tested everyone's vital signs and relief washed over him when he found out that no one is dead.

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