Final Chapter: The Number Ones

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Who would've thought that this amazing powers that enhanced our being- called quirk would disappear as quick as it came to humanity?

That's the thought of a two year old genius who sat on an alphabet carpet. A bib hanging on his neck and clothes that imitated a gray Koala. Cute, yes. But the way this little child looked at the television is very unusual.

The television that showed what was happening around the world. He watched silently without moving...only thinking. A brain that only functioned for understanding and solving; not for emotions that he didn't even felt.

He thought; why does the humanity need quirks? Why do we need to depend on to something that we didn't even achieve?

People didn't even chose having a quirk in the first place so why?

Why are the people who didn't chose his own quirk have to suffer from being weak? From being themselves?
But the answer is painfully obvious...

Its because we are mere humans.

We are weak and that is why we search for power, for strength. We want to be strong...but strength is something we attain by our own actions.

By our own hard work and training.

We are born weak. Born equally with different kind of talents...WE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE BORN WITH THEM.

At least that is how he thought about the law of humanity. Not that he knew if it was wrong or right, he was simply a two year old baby who learned through observation and understanding.

But what he kept on mind...

is how unfair the world is.


Right now the war is ranging between heroes and villains; a cliché event indeed.

But the heroes who lost their will to fight because of confusion seemed to be loss. They looked like dogs who just lost their owners.

The main villain spread his arms. Openly accepting the amusing sadness and despair floating on the air.

"So? What are you gonna do now our dear pro heroes?" Izuku asked mockingly. "Your not thinking about escaping are you?"

His voice is amplified. With the help of one of the six leaders, his small microphone connected to his earpiece is now connected to the stadium's speakers.

"Well, not that I care is you escape. But one thing is for sure...As you just found out now. Your quirk seemed to stop working right?" He asked, his head tilted on the side.

Of course no one responded.

"Just so you know, your quirk is permanently erased. You heard that right everyone. Its permanent"

The air is filled with sweet despair as he watched the heroes and probably, the audience to cower on the sudden loss. He wanted to laugh so badly but that doesn't seem to fit the situation right now.

It will ruin the moment.

"Not only here, not only in this city, not only in this country..." He smiled, "but everyone has their quirk erased.

Over the stadium, military helicopters flew. Carrying good amounts of villains inside. The air swept the whole arena, the impact made Katsuki's body back to normal.

The Number Ones (A Villain Midoriya A.U)Where stories live. Discover now