Will Save And Destroy

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"Huh, Tooru's location become unknown" Kana said, staring intently on the phone. "She was taken in, someone sensed her" Shinsou mumbled peeking on his binoculars. The other heroes didn't seem to notice that she was taken inside the base. "The principal took her in" he added. "No wonder, despite how he looks. Principal Nedzu is powerful" Ochako commented. Soon enough, the principal disappeared with Tooru in invisible mode behind him. "They will take her in custody. Luckily, she'll manage to meet with Izuku" Monoma pointed out.

"How long can you manage to break the third shield?" Shinsou asked.

"About another five minutes"Kana answered, biting her lower lip as she typed in furiously. "Okay, we will try to use the vent on the top of the building. Monoma get ready to use the illusion quirk you copied a while ago"


"Uraraka, after three minutes blast us towards the roof. Try to avoid mixing pebbles too, concentrate only to us"

"Yes sir!"

"Perseus, keep watch on the entrance. We will open the door for the two of you after twenty minutes. If we failed, immediately run away. That's all" Shinsou commanded. He pulled the bandages up to his face, "Neito, Uraraka...now" he said. With utmost force, they dived down the mountain with a speed of a jet plane. Monoma held his concentration on the illusion, making them surrounded in clouds. Ochako is panicked, her concentration is in disaster. She managed to make them float but it isn't high enough. "Calm down" the sudden force of Shinsou's voice shot through her system. Obeying almost immediately.

They floated twenty meters above ground, suspicious for a cloud to travel low in a sunny weather. But the guards are too busy looking ahead that they failed noticing their descend. "Now Uraraka, make us float steadily towards the roof. As slow as you can" he whispered.

"Manipulator, come in" the buzzing sound of the small microphone hanging on his ears slightly startled him from his concentration. "Clear" he answered back. "I've hacked the third shield, fourth shield located at the third floor below: ten minutes to complete hacking" Kana announced. "Clear" Shinsou mumbled. They landed safely on the roof. Ochako pried the vent off and and Monoma managed to quickly cloak themselves in invisibility. "I'm going first. Hold the invisibility until I reached the security room for floor 1"

"Will do"

Shinsou dived in as swift and silent as he can. Crawling in the tight space. "The security room is on the far left of the entrance" Kana whispered through the microphone. "Any cameras inside?" He whispered back. "The ventilation system is far too small for adults to climb in. They didn't set up for villainous kids such as us" Kana said, "they sure are naive" Shinsou smiled. "Call out Perseus, I'm in. Tell him to stand by"

As soon as he reached the room. He spotted two security guards watching the system. "Isn't that cloud too close on the base?" The first one asked. But little did the guard know. Shinsou had already controlled his mind. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "Kill him"

The guard pulled his gun, aiming it on his friend. "Oi! What are you doing?" A loud gunshot rang in the room, blood splattered everywhere and the villain himself didn't even flinch at the sight of death. "Erase every file recorded this day and disable every surveillance in floor one including the fire alarms and sprinkles " the controlled guard didn't even try to stop himself. With fast hands, he did what his master asked to do. "Now...light up a fire to burn this base down after five minutes"

"You're cruel as ever Hitoshi" Kana commented.

"We have you for our escape...and burning this base down is no biggie. With this, every file they have on us will be gone..."

"Now that I think about it. Isn't this the first step for Izuku's plan?" Kana asked. Shinsou smirked, "that mad genius really set us up aren't we? This isn't for saving him. This is the part one in his plan" he answered.

"Neito, Uraraka, Perseus. Clear" Shinsou mumbled.

"Mimic in" Monoma announced

"Defying in" Ochako answered.

"Riptide, in" Perseus mumbled.

He jumped from the vent and pushed the lockdown button before grabbing hold of a chair and he started to destroy the whole security room. "Watch out for the fire. Kana, its safe to enter. Everyone, let us meet  on floor two. Disable every hero on the way and watch out for Tooru" he announced.

"Be careful everyone"


"You need to die" Nighteye grabbed hold of the young villain's neck. Izuku struggled for air. "Sir Nighteye! Please stop!" Midnight screamed who tried to pry the crazed pro hero off of the child. "No, no way...the future..." The grip on his neck tightened. Izuku couldn't breath, couldn't speak. The pain on his chest and nape is not bearable anymore. His eyes begun to tear up too.  His consciousness is slowly fading.

"H-Heroes...a-are t-too n-nai-ive" Izuku managed to say.

"E-even if I d-die here. T-the future wot ch-change"

The alarms suddenly blared. Jolting the pro hero from his actions. "What the hell happened!" Midnight exclaimed.  He released the villain from his hand. "Indeed, you're right. I tried altering the future for a while now but nothing seemed to work" explosions were heard from above. The whole base trembling from the impact. "All Might..." Izuku whispered. "He is here...am I right?"

Those words are enough to make the pro hero realize. "All Might! Protect him!" One of the heroes exclaimed. "Why isn't the sprinklers activating! Everyone with water quirks head out to floor one!"

"Why is our own allies attacking us!"

"Someone has mind control!"


The chaos, the noises...everything. Nighteye stared at the gasping villain before him. "You...how come you knew that half of the heroes are dispatched for action?"

"How the hell do you know that this hidden base is on its weakened state?"

Izuku coughed up some blood. "You almost broke my neck" he mumbled. "I thought I'm gonna die back then" he added. "Tell me, Midoriya...how?" Nighteye persistently asked.

The villain shrugged, "The sports festival is a clue. Plus, you can tell that you have back stabbers all this time" he answered. "Sometimes, you can't just tell who is the heroes and the villains based on their actions. Sometimes, we need to see their hearts to tell the truth"


What a hyped chapter!

That's not all, we still have many chapters left!

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Next update: Wednesday

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