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Shinsou Hitoshi, also known as the Manipulator. Right hand of the master mind of the Banes (Izuku) and also the head of the six leaders. Inside the lair, everyone respected him, treated him right; others cowering for fear at his presence.

A very awesome responsibility indeed, but he is a different person when he is outside of the villain work. His parents didn't knew that he is one of them, neither any of his classmates and teachers.

He is just a normal student of U.A. in general studies. More or less, other higher students treat them like shit but he didn't care about that. He have the power to enter the hero course if only Izuku allowed to, but this is part of the plan and he can't mess this up.

If he remembered correctly; Izuku sent two leaders on heroic department, one on side heroes department and one on general studies which is him...a total of four Banes roaming around the campus.

But the plan became a little shaky when Izuku was confined by the heroes. He didn't know where they took him or what they did to him but no matter what, the plan will proceed. Inko will replace him for a short while.

He sighed silently, the discussion is getting boring and boring though he have to be patient. Their main objective is to make sure that the heroes will continue the Sports Fest no matter what, and that particular event is slowly coming by.

All for One might get in their way sooner or later but hopefully, their 'new recruits' hand picked by Izuku himself would help them with this unavoidable problem.

He snapped out of his daydream as soon as he heard the teacher call his name...

This is going to be a very long day...

When he reached the Bane's lair, the sun is already sinking on the horizon. The training grounds is almost empty, no one is there except some kids playing 'catch the knife' and 'burn the loser'. Shinsou scanned the surroundings checking for someone or something worth his interest.

That's when he saw him...

Shinsou leaned on the wall next to the entrance to Izuku's office where Perseus sat silently by the steps. He looked so deep in thought to even notice the younger teen next to him. His sea green eyes are staring at the very far end of the training quadrangle.

For some reason, he found him  comfortable to be around with. People tend to feel uncomfortable around him as soon as they found our his quirk, but Perseus doesn't feel threatened by him even after he manipulated his mind, they are the same as Izuku. And for Shinsou, they are the strongest kind of people.

"You seem so lost" he started.

The taller villain blinked a few times before looking up at him, "um...yeah, still contemplating my past. I just can't believe how much I've changed" he said fidgeting a worn out necklace tied around his wrist. "I kind of miss my old life"

Shinsou was surprised, no one in the Banes have he heard someone say that...not even him who suffered so badly for the past years. "I wish I just... died back then" Perseus added.

Manipulator snapped and glared at him. "Don't say that. Midoriya saved you just like he did to me. You should be grateful your still alive and a part of the Banes" he growled.

Then there was silence...

Again, Shisou spotted those sea green eyes gleam in pain; reminding him of himself ten years ago. He relaxed, the wall flat against his back. He is not a talkative person but he felt that this person needs some motivation.

"You know, I tried to kill myself not only once but thrice back when I was a child" he started, eyeing the flying knife passed down to the kids as they laugh.

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