Ending 3.1: Sports Fest I

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The blinding lights made Katsuki squint his eyes in an annoyed manner-as always. He stomped through the arena first, behind his back were his pathetic classmates.

The look of determination and joy in their eyes made Katsuki felt disgusted. Because he knew that this event is going to be a very huge disaster. Even he, himself, didn't know what will hit them.

The cheering people high above the seats plus the unbelievable amount of heroes watching them made him want to scream. They are stupid enough to join them...everyone here is a fool. Excluding himself.

Looking back once; he spotted the enemies he should be facing. Though, honestly, he saw no one worthy as an opponent. They all look like fools anyway.

Finally, after everyone is standing by. Katsuki is called on top of the stage.

His mind immediately registered of something to say.

Is he going to warn everyone?

No, of course not.

Katsuki padded up the small stage. He grabbed the microphone and glared at the world itself. He gritted his teeth before speaking.

"Get ready everyone! Because I will beat the crap out of those villains out there! I will win this shit!"

Deafening cheers echoed through the round stadium. Irritating the blonde teen even more.

His small speech is dedicated to the villains hiding among the people here and the villains watching out there. For him; its a dedication of war. Which he is very sure to come.

Katsuki pushed the mic down before walking away.

Creating a loud screech as the microphone hit the deck. Katsuki clicked his tongue once, 'that's my revenge of you deafening me with your cheers' he thought, annoyed.

Soon enough, the sports festival started...


Izuku chuckled.

He sat cross legged on one of the chairs inside the empty waiting room, to be exact, 1-A's waiting room.

He heard the announcement of his childhood friend and of course, he will respond later.

If war is what he wanted, then he will comply.

Izuku wondered what will happened after a year. Though honestly, he had plotted his plans five years from the future...That's how advanced they are. He even wondered if someone or maybe, something out there is going to stop them.

That is...if they can.

The league of villains is under their noses, asking restlessly about their plan. Not that he didn't want to share it with his fellow villain- or rather idol- but the plan is going to affect everyone...and by everyone, it means even the villains.

Because Izuku knew that they wouldn't like this plan.

A smile festered its way on his lips.

He can't stop it. This is where they can finally show themselves and of course, he felt excited but anxious at the same time.

"First place is very clear!!! We saw it with our own eyes everybody!"

Izuku's smile turned to a beam.

"It's no other than Katsuki Bakugou!"

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