Ending 1: Hidden Truth

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Nighteye can hear and see everything so clearly. Especially how the young villains make their move right in front of their noses.

"Nighteye! We got to escape! The establishment is collapsing!"

But what his eyes can only see is the empty bed where All Might should've been.

He just disappeared along with Izuku and the others.

They took him.

The most vicious and dangerous villains that are locked up moments ago are now running around along with their new freedom. Heroes are trying their best to capture them again. But they are overwhelmed by the number of villains.

Fortunately, they don't know how to work together. Fifty percent of them escaped, twenty five remained to fight and the others were captured, neutralized, or immobilized.

For Nighteye, this is only the start of an upcoming Apocalypse. Three days later...everything will vanish and the Banes will take control of Japan. This is what he saw when he took a peek in Izuku's future.

Nighteye fell on his knees.

He lost it...everything.

"Let's move out! Sir Nighteye!"

Midnight shook his shoulders as she scream through the explosions and fighting.

She hook her arms around him and they went towards the emergency elevator.

"Whatever you saw in Midoriya's future, please ignore it for a while. We need to save the others" Midnight said as soon as they reached the elevator.

"Keep in mind that we are still heroes"

Nighteye chuckled, "Give up Midnight. Everything will vanish after three days... This hero business?" He shook his head, "it will destroy itself"

Midnight glared at the hero before her. "I don't care. I am a hero and someone out there is fighting for their lives...I will do everything to save them"

That's it...

He lost it.


Back in the hospital when Mitsuki, Recovery Girl and Neya talked...


Neya stared at the blonde mother standing by the door along with the pro hero.

"Yo, Neya...nice meeting you again after nine years"

The white haired woman looked away. "Why are you here?" She asked.

Mitsuki sighed. "Is it bad for me to visit a friend?"

"We just came for a brief talk"

Neya sighed then she finally faced them. Her face is full of regret and shame.

"You've been holed up in here for ten years...how are you?" Mitsuki asked.

She approached Neya carefully, putting a hand on her shoulder. Neya faced her, "I'm fine..."

"My, my...its not good for you to lie Neya" Recovery Girl said. "Ten years ago has a big impact on your mind"

Neya slapped Mitsuki's hand and faced outside the window. Glaring at the black sky.

"Please don't make me remember the past. I had enough of it" she mumbled.

Mituski sighed. "Do you regret trying to save Izuku Midoriya?" She asked, straight to the point.

Neya shook her head. "That's not the point...what happened ten years ago is unbelievable. The poor children getting locked up in small cylinders for experimentations. The ways they torture their bodies to control their newly exposed quirks. The pile of dead bodies...I can't take a hold of those image anymore"

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