When You Freeze...

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Minoru swam closer towards the ship getting whacked by villains. His smile getting wider as he slowly inched closer.

His hair curled up to three black circles as he pulled his mask up to cover his face.

The villains from the league spotted him first. "Another prey has come" a man with gills hissed a laugh before sinking in the water.

Minoru plucked one of his hair and let it slowly sink down the water. "One, two...", the gilled man smirked as he grabbed the young villain's foot.


His black hair exploded into tar inside the water, in front of the other villain. The black goo wrapped around his face, letting Minoru's foot go while trying to remove the thing trying to suffocate him. Too bad, he can't. "My first kill, not bad"

The villains are too busy catching the frog so he simply swam undetected under the ship and climbed his way using his normal sticky quirk.

His black boots thunked on the metal as he jumped from the railings. Asui didn't look back, she was too busy dealing with the lower villains to actually notice the powerful one.

He stood behind the green haired girl, slapping those who tried to climb up with her tongue.

Minoru smiled at their height difference. Almost a month ago, he was shorter than anyone in 1-A...now, he came back taller, leaner and stronger. He can feel the chill of excitement by the time he had his hands on Mr. Aizawa's throat.

But first is first.

He tapped Tsuyu's shoulder. "Asui" he said, making the frog girl jumping surprise.  She twirled her tongue on the nearby post and slung herself away from what she thought was an enemy (which is true).

Tsuyu was glaring at him, ready to attack as she stick herself sideways by the pole. "How do you know my name?" She asked.

Minoru stepped forward, "I'm a friend" he said sarcastically.

"A friend? I don't remember your face from anywhere" she said. Minoru sighed, "fine, I'll prove it to you" he mumbled.

He plucked two of his hairs and threw it by the side of the ship. They explode into wide range of tar, engulfing the poor villains below; sticking on their faces like slugs. Eighty percent chance of dying because of toxicity, twenty percent change by drowning.

No chance of survival, just as Izuku taught him.

Tsuyu stared at the black suited man, she never expected a villain kill another villain. If he was a friend, her senses didn't seem to agree.

But somehow, he feels oddly familiar. The way he used his quirk is very similar to the 1-A kick out- Mineta Minoru...but that was impossible, the boy is much more shorter and violet than this guy.

"Who are you?" Tsuyu asked, eyeing the wall across the man made lake. Getting ready to run when the time comes.

The villain smiled. "A friend...a villain friend"

She felt a hand around her neck, pulling her from pole as she choked. Her sight doubling over as the unknown man slammed her on the cold metal floor of the ship.

She tried to use her tongue to attack but as soon as she sticked it out, blood spewed as a sharp dagger sliced her organ to half.

Tsuyu cried out in pain and struggled even more, but the last thing she saw was the black haired boy smirking at her- then she blacked out.

"What a piece of work" Kirita hummed as he carried the unconscious girl behind his back. Minoru kicked the long pink tongue sprawled on the floor, "is her tongue going to heal?" He asked.

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