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"Bakugou announced that Midoriya may have a group of villains on his side" Nedzu reported.

The heroes sat around the table, discussing the multiple villain problems they had. Its hard enough with one group of villains but three? Its hardly possible for them to take it all at once. "Then we will capture him immediately, whether he is inside or outside the campus, we can't let him roam around U.A." One of the pro heroes said, but the principal shook his head. "We can't just catch him like that, the public will react negatively... and we don't like anymore relationship damage with the people" he rejected.

"That calls for a certain measures, we need to stay in the shadows then"

"Will do, the only problems is...we don't have any hero with a proper quirk suitable for this assignment, nonetheless the heart to kidnap a child"

"Mr. Aizawa tends to do this kind of work...I meant to stay in the shadows, not to kidnap a child"


"Aren't we forgetting someone?" Cementos asked, pointing at the lady with black spiky hair who is wearing a white body suit. All of the heroes looked at her.

Midnight felt a chill down her spine as their eyes settled on her. "Me?" She asked, confused. "What can I possibly do?"

"Its easy darling! Make him sleep!" Present Mic sang.

One week later...

Asui woke up. She doesn't know why but she felt so hungry as if she went for hibernation. She opened her eyes slowly and saw an unfamiliar rock ceiling. Moving her head, she looked around, hoping that someone can explain why she was here but there was no one. There was no windows around and only one door, besides that plus a small coffee table and the bed, the room is pretty bare.

Her memories are still clear about what happened back in U.S.J. First, the villain attack and then someone made him unconscious. Her tongue grew back miraculously and her wounds were healed.

Her clothes are changed into a white pajama and her green hair was braided into one side. There was a basket full of fruits sitting on a small coffee table one meter away from her.

Asui's stomach protested, growling very loud.

She tried to sit up, but she felt very weak; probably because she didn't eat since the incident. Though, she still willed herself to grab an apple and bite.

Her eyes sparkled, its the most delicious fruit she ever tasted.

She took another bite, the crispiness and juiciness exploding into her mouth, her taste buds tingling.

Too engrossed of eating, she didn't notice the door opening.

"You seem to like my hand picked apples" a cheerful voice said, Asui turned around, startled. Her cheeks are puffed, stuffed with apple chunks as she looked at the chubby woman with green hair.

She blushed in embarrassment and swallowed the apple, setting the core on the table. "Sorry, I'm just...very hungry, ribbit" she squeaked.

The woman laughed as she fully opened the door, another basket at hand; this time full of lunch box. Her mouth watered in delight. The woman handed her a spoon and opened one of the lunch box.

It doesn't matter what the box contains, she just inhaled the food and asked for more until she's full.

When she was finally contented, she burped and blushed. Asui almost forgot that she is in an unknown location with a kind stranger. "Thank you for the food, ribbit" she said, fidgeting her braided hair which she isn't used to.

"You're welcome, though that's supposedly for my son but its fine" the woman explained, closing the two empty lunch box. The teen felt guilt, but at the same time anxious. "Ma'am, can I ask you where we are right now?" Asui asked, her hands on a cat position (what she usually does when talking with the others in the anime and manga).

"Underground; even I don't know where this place is located. But be reassured that no one will hurt you here" the woman explained, Asui is obviously not fine with that.

"Who are you? Ribbit" she asked.

"Inko Midoriya"

Then all fell into place. Izuku, she heard the villains talk about him as their leader when she can't open her eyes. More or less, she was kidnapped.... she willed her strength to calm her self.  "You're his mother" she stated the obvious.

Inko nodded, "indeed"

"Does that mean we are kidnapped? Or are you a part of them...ribbit" the woman frowned at the question.

"No, sweetie, neither of us are kidnapped. As long as I remember, I am the first member of Izuku's group of villains. I even named it: The Banes of Equality" Inko has a sad smile on her lips, as if everything she said is forced to come out from her mouth.

Asui wanted to press on the topic about her being kidnapped but she also felt tinge of guilt about eating Midoriya's food. "You seem so proud Mrs. Midoriya, ribbit" she said.

Inko fixed the boxes back in the basket. "A mother will always be a mother, no matter what her children would turn out. I love my son and I will never be ashamed of who he is" she said, a true loving smile of a mother on her lips.

Asui looked at the apples sitting on a basket. Izuku has the best mother around.

"But don't you think Midoriya is on the wrong path?" She asked.

The room was silent.

"I tried to correct him. I did, but I hate him looking so sad and angry. I don't like breaking his dreams" the look of sadness and happiness were visible in her eyes.

"Izuku's past is harsh. I'm afraid that if no one will ever support him, he would break down  and possibly dead by now" with that, Asui can't ask no more.

She watched the older woman walk out of the room after handing her a key.

"You chose your son over hundreds of life. Mrs. Midoriya, you are a loving mother, ribbit"


Mama Midoriya is back!

Yes! Inko named the group and is the first member of the Banes! I cant wait to type down Izuku's past...

Anyways, can you guess why Asui is treated like a visitor? (I doubt you can)

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