Mrs. Midoriya...?

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Shouta didn't know what time it is or how many days they are trapped in this villain lair. No villain dared to bother them and everyone seemed to ignore them except for Eri and the six leaders. Shouta found it odd.

He expected the younger villains to at least mock them while they peek on the window but everyone is treating them as if they are invisible. Asui had explained to him that someone is protecting them. 'Well, Eri-chan explained that a certain leader will get angry if someone were to mess with us'

The pro hero doesn't understand why the leaders would get angry but maybe...just maybe...they are part of the plan? As a hostage perhaps.

Shouta sighed as he watched the six leaders chat with the younger villains. He doesn't know what they are planning but by the happy cheers and smiles of the villains, he knew that the plan is going well.

The time is running and their chance of escape is getting near. His quirk might be useful on one on one battles but it is useless amongst multiple opponents, especially now that his scarf is nowhere to be found.

"Mr. Aizawa, they are leaving" Asui said, pointing at the leaders who is now standing before a metal door. The frog girl looked pale and weak, seeing her friends become the enemy. "As soon as they are gone, we will wait for a while before taking action" Shouta explained.

The leaders talked for a short while before the bandaged guy opened up the door. They finally stepped out. The pro hero is nervous, it's his first time doing this kind of thing. He felt anxious. As if anytime, something would go wrong and its the end of them.

"The villains cleared out, its time to go" he announced.

Shouta stalked through the hallway where the door leading towards the open grounds stood. He pushed the door open and peeked outside. Asui is trailing behind him. There are only a few villains around. Some are busy talking or training, some are just observing and watching. Shouta swallowed, his quirk is useless now so he can only rely on his strength and strategy when something went wrong. "Just walk normally, remember not to run" he said. Asui nodded, her green eyes looking around warily.

They finally pushed the door fully open. No one looked their way. "So far so good" he whispered. They sneaked through the crowd of villains, carefully navigating to avoid bumping into anyone. Asui felt terrible as he watched the training up close. There are kids who are trying their best just like her, the way they train is exhausting and painful. She winced when she spotted someone accidentally burn his own skin. "Why are they trying so hard to get stronger?" She whispered.

Shouta thought of that too. Its weird that these villains are like tamed animals. He had observed them for so long that even he is getting affected. He started to think that this place is like U.A. The pro hero sometimes watch as Izuku taught them everyday. They are showing respect and acting as if he is a superior. The question is why? They are obviously stronger than Izuku.

They finally reached the end of the training grounds. Shouta and Asui slipped to the left end exit where the metal hatch is located, just besides where the six leaders had left. "Now, time to grab someone for interrogation" he said.


Another large mistake...

"What are you two doing out here?"

They froze. That voice is clearly someone he heard before. "Mrs. Midoriya?" Asui asked, their backs facing the chubby woman. They heard a gun click into place. The pro hero is shocked, "place your hands up on the air heroes" she said.

Asui felt like crying, she can't imagine Inko like this and yet there she is. Holding a gun pointed on their heads. A flash of image of Ochako smiling as she kill people slammed its way on her head. She raised her hands up on the air the same way Shouta did.

"Mrs. Midoriya...please" The pro hero tried when they finally faced the woman. Inko looked calm, as if holding a gun is just a normal thing to do. "I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa but I will do this for my son" she said. Her voice is full of determination. He already knew that nothing can sway her.

All of the villains are now looking at them. Their eyes unreadable. This time, Shouta knew that they had failed. Their last chance to escape now turned to ashes. "Mrs. Midoriya I know its hard for you but your son is-"


The gunshot rang over the underground lair. Silencing everyone and halting every movement. A bullet  gazed the pro hero's cheek. "Don't you dare mock my son again. I had enough hearing how wrong and irresponsible I am for raising such a child. I. Had. Enough." Her voice is now much more colder and serious. Asui held her tears, her head now tilted downwards in fear.

Shouta bit his lip. "For years I had raised Izuku on my own. I had cried a lot whenever he is on his own mission, whenever he went missing for days, whenever he come home bathed in his own and enemies blood just to attain his own justice. Its hard to watch your child grow up in a strange way" Inko glared at them, tears staining her cheeks

"But no matter what, I will never abandon my child. And I will never forgive those who had caused harm on him"

The pro hero finally clicked puzzle pieces in his head.

"You're...the green reaper"

Inko's expression finally cleared up. She smiled and nodded while wiping the tears using her sleeves. The gun still pointed at them. "I'm afraid you two need to go back in your rooms. I'm really sorry, Mr. Aizawa. Especially you...Tsuyu-chan. Please don't be afraid"


I don't know what I did there but I like it...I kind of altered mama Midoriya just a bit so I hope you won't hate it.

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See you next time!

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