Odd One Out

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Izuku stared at his new gray uniform hanged by his drawer. For some reason, he felt utterly disgusted when he tried it on for measurements-and that took for a mere minute and he already felt sluggish, how much more when he would wear it for a whole day?

Shaking his head, he steeled himself and unpacked the uniform. He should will himself to feel comfortable under these clothes since he would be wearing it for like...a year.

"Dinner is served Izuku!" Inko exclaimed from downstairs.

With a deep sigh, he started to change in that U.A. uniform for heroes. The fanboy felt like hanging himself on a rope. It just doesn't feel right...so he dumped the uniform in a trash bag and changed to his usual villain clothes.

After eating, he started to arrange his hidden weapons under those new clothes.

Is he really entering U.A.?...a smile slowly formed on Izuku's face. Destroying the future heroes...destroying the hope of the people and finally, bringing in despair. Soon, very very soon, he would eliminate All Might.

His own devilish plan made his hairs stand.

Little did he know, he was already standing in front of a giant gate, leading to a giant building known as U.A. His smile did not drop, instead it slowly turned to a grin...such a very pretty place, how disappointing that this place would be turned to ash.

"Izuku! You really showed your nerd ass here huh?!" The familiar voice, exploded behind him. Turning around, he made a casual wave. "Morning Ka-chan, isn't it a lovely day" he mumbled, grin turned to a smirk.

The blonde sneered, "Lovely day my ass, this is the worst!" He growled, aimed an explosion on the fanboy's annoying face...only to miss, as usual.

Izuku clicked his tongue and wagged a finger on Katsuki's face. "You trained hard Ka-chan, but that is not enough...we will always be on par to each other" the blonde tsked then went on to stride in confidence towards the gates of U.A.

The fanboy shrugged, then walked in; his I.D. clipped on his black tuxedo. He looked around, eyes darting from student to student; analyzing and calculating. Out of the hundred students surrounding him, he already predicted the half of it.

Students eyed him; curiously, mockily, disgustingly, as if he cared in anyway. Once he glared at them, they would turn away and never look back. Are they really the future heroes?

Izuku almost laughed when he saw a hero with round violet hairs and standing by the half of his own height. He wound his way on the small fella and plucked on one of those grape looking hair...sticky. "Hey! That hurts!" The grape haired exclaimed, hand flinging over his head then slowly backed away once he saw the fanboy; feeling intimidated.

The villain squished the sticky violet ball under his hand...what a useless quirk to have. Then he turned to look at the smaller boy, "Can I ask what course you're in...?" He asked, trying a friendly smile.

Another round violet hair popped from where he took it. "I'm in  the hero course!" The guy said, thumping his fist on his own chest twice...looking rather proud and Izuku amused at the fact that a person like him passed the entrance exam. "How shocking" he said, now grinning.

"Indeed, I am. By the way...why aren't you in your school uniform?"

Izuku poked the violet ball using his other hand. "It's uncomfortable" he mumbled, honestly. "Your the first one who talked to me today, my name is Minoru Mineta" the smaller guy said raising his hand for a handshake.

The fanboy fiddled with the sticky thing for like a minute, "Can I help you?" Minoru asked, on the verge of laughing. Izuku shook his head, "I got this" he said, throwing the thing upwards then the violet ball exploded like a tar bomb.

The violet haired boy stared in shock. He never knew that his quirk can explode like that and he never met someone who can get out of his quirk that easily. He stared at the smiling green head in front of him, who wore a black tuxedo. Just who is he? And what is his quirk?

But more certainly the way he looked at him made him shiver and cower inside.

"We don't want to be late right? So how about we get to our class?" Minoru asked, wanting to get away from the queasy feeling on his stomach. But the fanboy only laughed, "come on then...we are classmates anyway"

What a very nice day it is...

Katsuki sat on his chair and raised his feet up on his table. "Fucking nerd" he muttered under his breath, "just who does he think he is?"

That is when the door opened, revealing a bored Shouto. He growled, then looked away towards the window. Why did they let Izuku in? Especially when he trampled on their dignity months ago, screaming that heroes are useless...as if he would be fooled by that certain speech.

"Fellow student, please let your feet down. A table is supposedly for writing." A manly voice said. Annoyed as hell, the blonde swished his head to look at the fool. Square glasses, tall frame, blue hair, arms flinging like a robot...a real fool. "Don't bother me asshole!" He exclaimed, gritting his teeth.

"I won't bother you once you placed your feet down!" the rule freak exclaimed, hands setting in a new position. "Fuck off! This is my table not yours! I do what I want and you mind your freaking bussiness!"

The door opened, and he sensed a familiar dark aura stepping in, Izuku Midoriya.

The room silenced, even Katsuki cared to look at his childhood friend. Behind him was a smaller boy with violet hair and Eraser Head. "Everyone, sit down" the teacher announced, a hand placed on the fanboy's shoulder.

The students obeyed, respecting the powerful hero in front.

"I am Shouta Aizawa, your homeroom teacher" he said, writing down his own name. Students burts out on silent whispers.

"And as you can see, I am with someone that you did not met during the entrance exam...Izuku Midoriya" he announced, letting the green head step in front.

Izuku cleared his throat then straightened up his black suite. "Izuku Midoriya, entered through recommendations and..." the shocked look on everyone, except for Katsuki, was priceless and amusing. "Quirkless" that's the time when gasps were heared.

One by one, hands were raised; ready to ask plenty of questions.

A playful smirk settled on the fanboy's lips, eyes darting at the five strongest students in the classroom.

Happy Holidays!
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