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Asui made her way out of the room. The hallways are the same old stone walls. Arch stone windows outlook the training villains down below which she was afraid to approach. She tilted her head upwards looking at the domed rock roof far beyond her reach.

She felt trapped inside an underground castle.

"Hopeless, ribbit" she whispered to herself.

She have no idea why would the villains let her roam around freely, or why they abducted her. Its been two days since she woke up and only an eight year old child had came to bring her food and clothes. She tried asking the child various of questions but she would only shake her head and walk away.

The only thing she said is, 'no one will hurt you here because Defier will kill anyone who would'. But she isn't assured, she tried to go down the stairs and open the door on the villain grounds yesterday but the way they looked at her isn't friendly. Let's just say, it didn't go well.

Asui hugged herself as she trained her eyes back at the young villains below. They looked like normal kids, one look and you might be fooled of how innocent they looked. But they are holding deadly weapons, even guns that made her swallow nervously. One mistake and she might lose her life.

Nonetheless, she needs to escape.

Asui waited for the young girl to come. The door leading to the staircase opened. A little girl waltzed in, she wore a black dress with red blood frails. Her pale blonde hair braided to one side just like hers when she first woke up, her eyes a beautiful shade of amber . A smile is plastered on her face as she held a tray full of food and drink.

"Asui-san!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Izuku-san said that I can play with you!" She exclaimed, the cheerfulness of her voice surprised the teen.

"And I bought another captive!" She said.

Asui's mouth hang in shock as she saw the person step out of the door. "Mr. Aizawa?!" She exclaimed. The pro hero's face was full of relief when he spotted his student alive and well.

"Tsuyu...your alive" he said, approaching the teenager who trembled in relief. Tears started to run down her cheeks as Shouta engulfed her into a hug.

Eri watched the student and teacher comfort each other. A smile crept its way on her face. "Aizawa-san let me show you your room okay?" She called out, tapping their shoulders.

They followed her deeper into the hallway, the tray of food still on her hands. They stopped on Asui's room. Eri pointed at the farthest door. "You will stay there Aizawa-san" she explained before handing him a key. The pro hero only accepted the key and grabbed the tray as well.

"We will be fine umm-"


"-Eri-chan. I will show him the way, ribbit" Asui said, wiping the remaining tears. Shouta nodded to agree.

The little girl smiled sadly, "th-then, I'll get going" she said before walking away.

Eri felt sad, she thought that someone would finally befriend her but Asui seemed uninterested on playing. Then she remembered how the frog like teen broke into tears.

She sighed, "I'll try again tomorrow then" she said.

The young villains didn't dare touch her. Well, she tried talking to them but they simply ignore her or they walk away. Izuku said that they are only afraid of her but she is quirkless, how can she possibly be feared?

She touched her right forehead, but there was nothing there. She smiled, her cursed quirk is never going least, that is what Izuku had told her. Her father isn't going to torture or come for her again, here, she will live in peace.

Eri spotted Riptide on the far end of the training ground, sitting on the lower base of the stairs heading on Izuku's office . He looked sad and longing of something. She approached and sat besides him, looking at his face.

Riptide didn't seem to notice her, so she poked his cheek.

The teen jolted, surprised at the sudden action. "Are you okay Perseus-san?" She asked. Riptide smiled and placed a hand over the little girl's head. "I'm fine Eri-chan. I'm just lurking in my past" he said.

Eri sat besides him. "I heard that Izuku-san saved you from your madness" she said, "I don't understand what he meant"

Riptide removed his hand and sighed, then he looked at the domed roof, as if imagining the blue sky. "Midoriya found me three years ago at a beach. I was not myself that time, I washed my hands with blood using my quirk and he stopped me from doing something worse" he explained.

"And what is something worse?"

He took a shaky breath, "killing myself"

Eri looked at the brunette with pity. She didn't understand most of all but she knew that he is in pain. "Then, you joined us?" She asked.

Riptide shook his head, "Not immediately. But when I found out that heroes aren't what I thought they would be...I joined his cause"

The blonde girl is silent, she turned her head and watched the young villains slowly walk away towards their rooms one by one. "The world is not fair" she said.

"You know Eri-chan. I used to be a forced hero, one of the most powerful. I have deadly adventures with my friends and no matter how hard it gets, I have hope to hold on to..." He stopped, "...but now that the hope is gone, something broke inside of me. I found despair...watching the pro  heroes, I can tell that they are rotten inside. Its really unfair..."

Tears flowed out of his eyes, but it didn't drop into the ground. Instead, it floated like droplets of water. "I am a hero with no prize nor medals, I am a hero forced to do quests that can kill me and my loved ones, I am a hero that is mocked by the gods because of a single mistake. I am a true hero opposite of this rotten heroes" he explained.

Eri couldn't say no more. Because the pain she had sensed from Riptide multiplied ten fold.


Name: Perseus ???
Age: 18
Villain name: Riptide
Quirk: Liquid Manipulate-controlling any liquid

Not an OC

The picture at the very top is Perseus and if you are wondering where this character came from. He is the main character on a book series: Percy Jackson and the Gods of Olympus by Rick Riordan
(Read it if you have time...I swear you won't regret it)

And most of you voted for B. That means Inko will show her other side.

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Next update: Saturday!

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