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The blonde teen couldn't ignore the feeling of being watched. Ever since he moved on the U.A. dormitories, he felt as if he got a stalker.

He swallowed, no matter how stubborn and powerful he can be; he is still afraid. When he is in the classroom he felt eyes on his back every time; mostly it was Izuku's, but now that he stopped showing up...he started to feel anxious of his surroundings.

He sensed that someone inside this classroom is a villain.

But who? And how many?

Katsuki scanned his classmates, one by one. No one is close with Izuku but certainly, someone is talking to him. Most of the time it was Iida but he is the class representative and its normal for him to talk to the loner in the room. Then there is Kirishima, but he is too stupid for him to even believe that he can be a villain. And Asui, but that is not possible since she is missing...or possibly kidnapped.

He balled his fists and slammed it on the table, startling the class. Present Mic raised his eyebrow, "what's the problem Mr. Bakugou?" He asked in English, confusing other students but he understood it well. "Nothing" he growled.

The class came to ease once again and the discussion continued, but then he realized something.

Back when the accident in U.S.J. happened, just before he is frozen by the bastard Shouto, he spotted Uraraka move and check for Tsuyu's pulse. Is his memories correct? Will it help the heroes?

If she is awake, and the frog girl had gone missing...

Is she the villain then?

Katsuki suddenly moved his head to look at his suspicious target. Just to see her looking at him.

He saw her eyes, serious and dark staring at him just for a second, then it turned back to normal full of optimistic eyes. Katsuki glared at her, but she only responded with a smile and a small wave.

Is he imagining it?

He looked away and contemplated everything. After an hour, he gave up and he decided to ask her after school. Either she is an ally or a villain, she is certainly suspicious.

Ochako halted on her tracks when her phone buzzed in her pockets. She checked the message and smiled when she found out that it was from her father. 'Meet us in the usual restaurant! We have a surprise for you!'

She continued to walk, but then she spotted the human volcano leaning near the entrance of U.A. She cursed inwardly and hid her phone. Honestly, she disliked Katsuki because of his volcanic personality that needs a serious anger management for straight three years.

"Uraraka!" Tooru called out, she cant see her but she can tell that her friend is smiling. "I have something to tell you about the plan" the invisible girl said when she got closer.

Katsuki was about to give up, its been thirty minutes and he is not a man of patience. Then he heard a yell, "Uraraka!".  He turned his head and spotted his target, Hagakure whispering on her ear. He narrowed his eyes; why would the invisible girl whisper to her...Of course its normal for teenage girls to gossip but Hagakure isn't the type to whisper.

Uraraka looked serious when she listened, nodding occasionally. When they are finished, he heard a surprising statement..."Report when the sports festival will begin" Hagakure said, using a feeling less voice he never heard before.


To whom? Why?

The blonde teen finally made his move. He approached them and gestured Uraraka to follow him. "See you later then Hagakure" the gravity girl said and waved goodbye.

The Number Ones (A Villain Midoriya A.U)Where stories live. Discover now