Memories Of The Past

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Shouto watched as the number one hero's blood soaked his ice in a dark shade of red. His mouth opened agape as shock took over his senses.

He stabbed All Might on the chest...

The blonde hero hurled with smoke, slowly turning back to his true self; thin and weak. "Young Todoroki, don't repeat your mistakes" he said before coughing up some blood.

"Learn to love and understand are strong but your heart is hollow" he continued.

Tears begun to form in Shouto's eyes. "Use your powers to protect young Todoroki, don't give in to the darkness"

All Might slumped down in his own pool of blood with Shouto's melting ice stuck on his chest.

The villain in front of him wore a wicked smile. "I didn't even touch him..." Tomura said, "you killed him yourself... Midoriya is right; your fit to be a villain"

The heroes tried to help the unconscious people and the others heading to capture the leader.

A dark whirlpool appeared on thin air and the villain stepped in, just before Midnight could put him to sleep. But he didn't just leave, he was laughing under his mask and his eyes were mischievous as they stared at Shouto.

Everything was a blur, nothing more than questions and answers. He heard things as calling his father over but he couldn't care less.

Shouto looked down on his hands, now trembling. His mind lingered on the past, back when he was younger and much more innocent.

"Powerful, he has the quirks of you and your wife...squashed together. Though I'd say, he might not control both of it until he reached ten or maybe even fourteen" the doctor said. A four year old Shouto looked surprised and happy. But his father only looked contented but a hint of a little disappointment.

"Ten to fourteen? Why can't he weild both powers younger?"

The doctor looked down on the half and half kid. "Because, he might bring harm to anyone. Controlling two quirks in a small body could take some risks. Not to mention that his body might not handle the power" but Shouto looked determined. Giving his father a wide smile, he will not let his father down.

Just before walking out of the hospital, he saw a green haired boy; his age, with freckles and wide eyes. The boy only stared at the ceiling, no emotion at all.

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