The Master And The Sidekick

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Spoiler alert!
If you didn't read the wouldn't know who Nighteye is or Togata.

Though if you want to continue... Go on.

Nighteye felt restless.

Someone phoned him last night that his former master, All Might, was confined in a hospital and in very grave danger.

He couldn't believe it at first but then, his powers helped him learn the painful truth. All Might will die sooner than he saw it before. That means someone altered the future.

The thought made him uncertain and uncomfortable.

But who the hell is bending the future?

He tried so hard to prevent this from happening then one day, all his hard work just crashed head on and made All Might suffer to the point where he can't even breath without those tubes connected on his chest. Everything isn't going as he planned.

He inhaled the hospital air and sighed through his nose, then looked down on the white tiled floor.

He clenched his fists. His objective didn't change though, he will prevent his former master from dying even if it caused his life.

"Sir Nighteye..." A familiar voice said, his precious student.

"Mirio, I thought you are going to visit U.A. today?" The pro-hero asked, looking up at the blonde teenager standing a meter away from him with a concerned face. "I heard what happened, the accident cuased the chaos back at the academy...and knowing that All Might is your former master, I-"

Nighteye held his hand up, shutting the young hero from talking. "Don't say no more Mirio, let us talk privately for a while" he said.

Mirio nodded sadly, "I understand", then he left with his head hanging low which wouldn't last, eventually, his smile will come back once again for he has hope.

The principal walked out of the room then stopped by in front of Nighteye. His face was full of sympathy, " go on in, All Might is waiting for you" he said before walking away.

He took a shaky breath before willing himself to stand up and enter the room where his former master lie. He opened the door slowly before stepping in.

The beeping of machines, the smell of medicine and the sad aura. All Might, pale and weak, lying on a clean white bed. Tubes connected on his chest.

The hope that people looked up to had shimmered, but no matter what they will still look up to him as a hero.

All Might's eyes opened and he looked up to Nighteye as soon as he stood by his bed.

"Nighteye" his voice is raspy and barely audible. He felt great despair swelling in his heart. "You finally come to see me when I'm...on my deathbed" he said, emotions can't be read.

The aura of the room seemed to change every second. Sadness, despair, anger, how he felt while looking at All Might. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, trying to stop the tears.

Then a cold, body hand took his own. His eyes opened and let the sadness out of his heart. "Don't blame yourself Nighteye, nothing here is your fault" All Might said.

He removed his glasses and wiped his eyes. "I just wanted you to be happy...I tried so hard to prevent what I saw on the future but I can't do anything" he said, a hand over his chest.

The older man sighed, he removed his hand on his former sidekick and smiled. "Fate is not easy to change, but certainly it is possible. But mine is already over..."

Nighteye shook his head. "I will try once again, you will heal...I know, you will heal and I will find someone t-"

"To blame?" All Might shook his head weakly. "You still have a long way to go before you reach the end of your fate. Don't waste you life for me, live for yourself and the others" he coughed, making Nighteye reach out for him to help but then he can't do anything.

"I have too much of your help and I can't even made amends of them"

Nighteye shook his head. "I don't care about those. I wanted you to live, so you can watch the young heroes stood up for the others, for you to feel proud for your students...I know that will make you happy"

"Wait kids!" The door suddenly opened.

Everyone in 1-A stood there (except for Izuku and Shouto), with the big three. They approach All Might with concerned faces.

"I can't stop them" Mirio said with a sad smile on his face.

"Thank you, Mirio"

Shinsou stood in front of the hostages sitting on each chair with chained hands and feet. His face covered in bandages just to be safe.

Izuku's plan is slowly unraveling. The main person to help them with this wicked plan is now tied up on a chair, unconscious.

"When will they wake up? We've been waiting for two hours" she mumbled, one of the six leaders of their own league.

She was called 'Defier' though he didn't know her well except for the fact that she is also a student in U.A. She wore a red suit with a black helmet that has red linings; she also wore plate armors covering her chest, shoulder, legs and hips with the same design.

"Be patient" he said.

"I am, but I need to get home before my dad finished his work... I want to make sure he didn't over exert himself again because of overworking" she mumbled, tapping his black iron high heels on the floor.

"Well, aren't your family rich enough because of your dirty work? Why won't you stop your father from working?" Shinsou asked, sighing deeply.

"I wanted to, but he didn't know I was the one who forced promoted him to be the head of the company. But my mother stopped and we finally had the opportunity to talk and eat together as family...and that what matters" she explained, he almost heard the grin on her face as she explained.

"I really didn't regret joining Izuku, though its really hard to pretened weak while being a spy in U.A." Shinsou smirked. "He helped us, in a very evil way"

Aizawa slowly opened his eyes. He can feel his hands and feet bound. Panic coursed in his system as his eyes tried to adjust on the darkness.

First, he found out that he was in an enclosed room made of metal. Second, Asui is tied up to a chair next to him...unconscious. Third, there are two villains talking nearby.

"Oh look who is awake!" A young voice of a girl said.
"Shall I call master then?" The other boy asked.

"Let our plan begin!"

Guess who 'Defier' is...

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