Mother Knows Best

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Inko Midoriya. A loving and caring mother, lovable and innocent. Though, sometimes she has to go through some criminal acts to protect his villainous child.

Inko made her way down the bane's secret lair. Every villain greeted him with respect, bowing or greeting a good night. She smiled every time, nodding her head. She felt like she is surrounded by her family.

She entered her son's office and sat on the black leather chair. She pulled a laptop hidden underneath her fruit basket and turned it on. Inko leaned back on her chair and watched the screen load. She wasn't sure if it is a right thing to leave Shouto in their house bit it was the only thing she can do to hide him from Kana. Inko couldn't stop worrying about her son so she had to make a move.


The laptop's voice startled her away from thinking. She took a deep breath and started to connect to the wireless internet connection of the Banes. Not only internet connections but connections to the other buildings surrounding and on top of the lair. Inko studied hacking just after she found out that her son is a villain. Its just seemed the only thing she can do to help her son...

She started typing, her chubby hands moving fast on the keyboard. Pressing keys and making commands. Even Izuku can't breach the wall in the U.A. system, but she can never give up unless she knew what is happening to his son.

Honestly, Inko planted a GPS to Izuku's clothes not only that but once she got connection to the device, it brings out a very small camera (no more than the size of a small button) with microphone for her to see and hear. Let's just say, its for the best. You can never be certain that your child will be safe of he is a villain. Inko sweated, she still can't make connection nor break the wall into the system.

She's tired, she haven't slept for that night because of worrying. What if her son is tortured? What if her son is being punished? What if her son is...dead? Inko shook her head, unwilling to think that her son would die. As a mother, its painful for her to lose a child; neither a villain or hero.

Inko tried another shot. She used different strategy to get in.

The tapping and commands are getting longer, the time is slowly counting by to eight in the morning. Inko glared at the screen, hoping that the GPS would scan her son. She waited and waited. "Come on" she pleaded. "Search complete...Breach complete...previewing live video is now available" Inko sighed in relief as she clicked on the live button.

She saw a room. The camera is facing upwards so she can only make out a white ceiling with an emergency light hanging by the side. Inko heard talking; "what will we do to the Green Reaper's clothes?" A woman asked. "Just keep it, don't rush orders. They are still busy interrogating the villain so just keep watch for now" a man's voice said. "I wonder what will happened to him"

"He will probably attain to his sins...fifty years of prison? Or maybe death sentence?"

"No way, he is still a minor"

"A lock up then, just like what happened to that Nomu guy. Man he is scary as hell"

The worry for her son only climb up to anxiousness and pressure. Inko needs to save him.


Asui leaned on the window out looking the training area for the young villains. She is always wondering where they came from and why they joined the banes. "Are you thinking about it again?" Shouta asked as he watched the children play downstairs. Asui nodded, "it just seemed weird to see children as villains, ribbit" she explained.

Shouta couldn't disagree with that. They look like a group of children who went here for a summer camp. "The master is being interrogated?" Below, he heard a girl's voice. Asui leaned more forward, trying to peek. She spotted a red head with blue eyes talking with-

Asui clasped a hand over her mouth.

"Uraraka Ochako" Shouta's voice is full of uncertain. Asui was shocked, she is trembling and crying. Why would her friend join the villains? Especially someone like Ochako? This seemed very unreal.

Shouta grabbed her by the arm and yanked her away from the window. Asui toppled on the cold stone floor, still couldn't believe her own eyes. "I know Tsuyu. I know" The pro hero couldn't believe it too. The most positive and caring amongst all his students is now standing below, talking with one of the leader of the banes so casually. "She is part of the six leaders...meaning, she's been here for almost all the time" he explained.

Asui wiped her tears and stood up. "I'm going back to my room, ribbit" she said, her voice full of dread. Shouta watched the young hero walk away with pity. He was sure the girl is feeling betrayed or depressed of learning that her friend is part of the villains.

But he stayed, what they are discussing sounds crucial and important. Shouta leaned on the window once again. "Mrs. Midoriya found the heroes hideout where they kept Izuku. We need to save him, she ordered" the red head said.

"I'm sure Midoriya is going to be fine. But if Mrs. Midoriys insisted that we help him, then so be it" Ochako said before giving a light shrug.

The sound of the crackling microphone echoed through the speakers. "Six leaders of the banes, we are being called in the master's office" the announcer repeated it several times before it turned quiet once again.

"There it is" Ochako said.

"Let's go!" The red head exclaimed before she disappeared into nothingness, well, except her clothes. "Come on! This is our first serious mission for this month and I'm excited!" The invisible girl announced.

Shouta's eyes widened in shock as he watched the two girls run across the stoned grounds.

"That quirk, those type of clothes, the personality...impossible"

He leaned on the wall and sighed, "Hagakure Tooru"

I'm smirking while typing this chapter, I don't know why...

Manipulator- Hitoshi Shinsou
Static Glitch- Kana Miki
Defier- Uraraka Ochako
Unseen- Hagakure Tooru
Riptide- Perseus Jackson
Mimic- ??????????

Guess who is Mimic...

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