Ending 3.2: Sports Fest II

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The next battle is obvious...

One vs. One

For once, Katsuki felt a little thrill down his spine.

"This is the part of the Sports Fest that everyone is waiting for! One versus one!"

The cheering was very loud, ringing in Katsuki's ears. They trudged their way towards the chairs where they can watch the matches; only to be caught by surprise.

"Hello" Izuku raised his hand in greetings.

Katsuki glared at the villain at the edge of the seats. Wearing his usual suit. Almost everyone who saw him was confused...except of course those who were planted as spies amongst of them who only faked a gasp.

"You're the villain Midnight always warned us about!" Mina exclaimed, pointing abruptly to the green head sitting on their assigned seats.

Then, almost instantly; the air tensed around them.

"Aren't he the U.A. visitor that are supposed to stay in our class?" Denki asked, "its impossible that someone who All Might recommended in U.A. turned out to be a scary villain" he mumbled.


Everyone is silent. Everyone of them knew the person in front of them, the mind master of the Banes. Poor Denki who slept throughout the whole discussion about the Banes....

Ignoring the unsuspecting idiot; Iida stepped in front to block the silently raging Katsuki from attacking the young villain.

"Why are you here?" He asked, face serious and eyes full of awareness.

"Me?" Izuku pointed at himself. "I'm still a visitor in U.A. assigned to your class, aren't I?" He asked innocently.

They looked at each other, unsure of what to do. The villain shrugged off the tension and smiled instead. He suddenly pointed at the match down below.

"Come on 1-A, just ignore me and enjoy the show" there was a glint in his eyes. "The war is on"


Katsuki entered the waiting room, away from the annoying show box where the rest of his classmates sat alongside his childhood friend.

He slammed his hand on the table and gritted his teeth painfully. Katsuki knew how dense his classmates are; that's why they couldn't understand the meaning behind those words.

The war is on

Again, he slammed his hand on the table. A war is coming, not only a simple war on politics and shit but something that would effect everyone and everything.

Suddenly, the door opened...

He watched the unusual person sit by the table like everything is perfectly normal.

"Why the fuck are you here?" He growled, annoyed.

The half and half teen didn't even bother look up towards the blonde volcanic teen. Instead, he only waved his hand to disperse the topic.

But as usual, Katsuki didn't buy it. He simply glared at Shouto as if he was a piece of trash blocking his way.

"You fucking cunt! (A.N. *gasp) Don't ignore me god damn it!"

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