A Chance To Escape

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Shouta knocked at Asui's room. "Kid, I need to talk to you...now" he said. Their was footsteps heard from the other side before the door finally swung open.

Her eyes were puffy and red from crying and her hair was a tangled mess. "Can I enter?" He asked softly, aware of how sad and confused she felt. Asui only nodded in response.

They sat opposite to each other, Asui on the bed and Shouta on the chair. The pro hero is still contemplating whether he would announce what he saw or just zip his mouth. But now that he is face to face with his student, there' no turning back. "Look, I know it's unbelievable to learn that Ochako is with the villains. But their is something more heart breaking"

Asui looked on the floor. "Is Tooru with her?" She asked.

The pro hero nodded in surprise. "How do you know?" He asked, leaning forward to listen. "I've been suspecting them for a while now. I've seen them talking together when they are alone, as if discussing something shady-" she looked at him. "I just ignored it because we're friends, ribbit" she mumbled weakly.

Shouta nodded, "I understand. Tonight, the leaders are going to save Izuku. That is out only chance to escape" Asui's eyes lightened up, "but there are CCTVs everywhere, how can we possibly dodge the surveillance? Ribbit" she asked.

"I've studied the other parts of this underground chamber. There are some of the areas with no surveillance. If we follow the path I traced, we can reach a metal hatch"

"How can we open it then? Ribbit"

"We can threaten one of the young villains to open it for us"

Asui doesn't look sure, as if everything is a trap. "Isn't that...a crime? Ribbit" she asked, her tongue sticking out. "Its our last resort"

"Our first and last chance"


Shouto tried to open the door but again, it was locked. He sighed as he tried to call out to Mrs. Midoriya once again, but it was useless. His quirk is still weak and he don't want to break anything in Midoriya's household.

He opened the window but again, it was locked too. Shouto plopped on the bed hopelessly. He still couldn't believe that his mother is a former hero. Its amazing and disappointing at the same time. He found out that her mother saved Izuku and Kana back then. But the question is...When? How? Why?

The questions is swirling in his head. He didn't know this. His father never told him anything about the past and it annoyed him very much. According to his memories and understanding. This was back when he is four years old and below, when his mother is still outside of the hospital.

A knock shocked him up.

"Inko!" He stood up and looked down from the window. Standing by the gates is a blonde woman, she has short hair and petite body. She looked very familiar

"Bakugou's mother"


"You are found guilty of all crimes you have been committed. You shall now be punished accordingly" (AN: I don't think villains need to go to the court so I'm just going directly to the punishment) the detective announced. Izuku sighed then frowned when he was grabbed by the pro hero Nighteye. "Let's go" he mumbled while helping the villain stood up from the chair.

They marched out of the interrogation room and went on the other sealed door. "This is where we keep the most dangerous villains. For the mean time you will stay here" detective Nakamura explained. Midnight bent down on the eye scanner getting two blips of green light before the sealed door opened. "That's a light security" Izuku commented. Everyone ignored him, typically.

The whole hallway is well lit, each door stood two guards holding strong and improved guns. They went on deeper. Izuku caught some of the names written on the side of the door. Inside, he squealed. His fanboy side jumping in excitement when he found out that some of the villains he looked up to are just on the other side of the door. Nighteye saw Izuku's eyes twinkle in delight as he looked at the doors. "Don't plan something sly Midoriya" he said, "head straight" he added, turning the villain's head to face the hallway.

Izuku sighed, "How rude" he mumbled.

They stopped on a blank named door. Just beside his supposed cell was a large metal door. Oddly, there is no guard. "I guess that monster was locked up here huh" he mumbled with a smile. "Indeed, you have an amazing observation" Midnight smiled back. "Please don't praise him" Nighteye said coldly, opening the door by typing a certain invisible pin that he can only see.

Nighteye pushed him inside gently. "Once we close the door, your restrains will be loosened. See you again Midoriya" he said.

"Uh, sir Nighteye. I almost forgot, Mr. All Might told me to use your quirk on the boy. Maybe that will help for the future" Mr. Nakamura whispered just before the door would close. Nighteye nodded, "If my former master said so" he said.

Izuku sighed in exasperation, he sat on the bed and waited for the door to close. Only to see it open again. "Oh, does see you again means now...that's just like...a minute ago" he teased, his feet flailing at the edge of the bed.

Nighteye shook his head, "I'll use my quirk on you, so just stay still kid" he mumbled. The villain obeyed after making a light shrug. "I heard you can see the future of a certain person. How amazing would that be...I wonder how many days did you see before All Might will finally lie in his grave" The pro hero glared, his eyes burning with anger. He placed his hands on the villain's shoulder roughly. "Don't ever bring that topic back" he warned.

Izuku frowned as he looked at the pro hero's eyes.


He didn't saw anything but he sensed Nighteye emitting fear. His hands trembled and he gasped as he pulled his hands away from the confused villain. Nighteye looked at him, his emotions unreadable.

"You need to die"


Sorry for the late update.

Now that I've come so far, I'm happy to know that you like this book.

Anyways, I'm thinking if I should create a second book: future arc. Just thinking, but I'm not sure if I would put it on action.

Comment what you think and don't forget to leave a star!

See you next time!

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