Untill death do us apart

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Third P.O.V.

Hercules stood in front of the man of his dreams. Laffayette wore a white suit with a veil clipped to his hair. Herc wore a dark blue suit with a light blue flower in his breastpocket. Laff smiled at his lover's dark face. Herc gently took the other's hands in his own.

"Do you Hercules Mulligan, take Laffayette to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you Laffayette, take Hercules Mulligan to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Oui, I do."

  -skips the vows idk how weddings.             really work-

"You may now kiss the groom."

Herc grabbed Laff by the waist and pressed their lips together. Laff melted into the sweet kiss. Admiring the soft taste of Herc's lips that hinted vanilla. Cheering and flashes of camera's filled the room. They pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other. Everyone cheered for the couple. They smiled and turned to face the audience. John and Alex were almost crying it was so emotional for them. Alex turned towards his boyfriend, they had been through hard times together. Alec smiled. Alex wished he could have more with Johns. But little did he know that Herc and Laff had something planned.

Everyone gathered in a circle with Alex and John in the front. Laff stood in the middle of the circle holding a bouquet of flowers. "One.. two.." Herc looked at John, and he nodded. Everyone stepped back from the circle, knowing what was planned. Alex didnt notice, but John knew all too wnell what was happening. "Three!" Laff turned around just before he threw the flowers, and tossed them to Alex. Alex caught the flowers exitedly, but stood there confused when he noticed nobody else tried to catch the flowers. "Alex, turn around."  He turned around and faced John. Once John knew he had Alex's attention, he took his lover's hands. John got down on one knee. Alex turned bright red and covered his mouth. "Oh my- god." Someone in the crowd said. John pulled out a tiny black box and opened it to reveal a gold ring. "Alexander will you marry me?" Alex almost started crying. He couldnt say anything so he just nodded. John stood up and engulfed the small man in a hug. Alex immediatly broke down crying tears of joy. He buried his face in John's chest and squeezed his body. "I'm so- happy." Alex stuttered out. "Me too. I love you so much."

Alex and John sat together watching TV on the couch in each other's arms, when the news flickered on. "A severe car crash. Was reported on the highway just moments ago. The couple has been said to be a newly wedded couple." The reporter said. John got up to get some water and offered some to his fiancé. He politely shook his head. They showed the scene on the TV. Alex thought he had recognized the car.
It clicked...

Alex stood up so fast he almost fell over. His eyes widened in horror at the thought. "No no it cant.." he covered his mouth as tears rolled down his cheeks. Just at that moment, John walked in. He stopped at the sight of the sobbing Alex. He dropped the glass of water and raced to his side. "Alex? What's wrong?" His knees gave out and Alex crumpled to his knees. Tears filled his eyes. Peggy opened the door. "Guys! Did you hear about the crash on the news?" She stopped when she saw Alex on the floor crying. "It w-was their wedding- oh my god- it cant.." Alex sobbed.
"The victims of the crash have been identified." The news stated. Everyone glared at the T.V.

"The couple is Laffayette and Hercules Mulligan."


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