Charm bracelet (pt. 3)

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- 19 years old -

John's P.O.V.

I was at the senior prom with all of my friends, watching all of the couples dance together. Every time 2 people dance past me, I get jealous. That could be me and Alex. I slumped down in my seat and watched Alex joke with Laff and Herc. He looked stunning with his black button down and green vest and suit, his favorite color, and matching tie. Peggy skipped up to me. "Hey Johnny!" She exclaimed. I smiled and waved to her. "What's wrong?" She asked me. She must have noticed my expression. I sighed. "Nothing, just bored." I said, and snatched a quick glance at Alex before turning back to Peggy. "Its Alex isn't it?" She asked. I followed Peggy's gaze to Alex. I sighed sadly. "I dont know why i even came." I mumbled. "Come dance with me, it will take your mind off things." She said. I nodded and grabbed her hand, leading her to the dance floor. I put my hand on her waist and danced with her. She giggled about halfway through the song. "What is it?" I asked. "Your a pretty good dancer, no hetero tho." She said with a smile. I smirked and spun her, making her yelp and grab onto my shoulder so she didn't fall. She laughed and hit my arm playfully. "Hey!" I chuckled. "I may be short, but I can still beat your ass." She said. "I know, I'm just messing with ya." I smiled. "See I knew I could make you smile." She said. "Thank you Peggy." I said. The song came to an end.

I thanked her again and went back to my place in the crowd. She followed me though. "You should go talk to him, maybe ask him to dance with you." She suggested. I immediately waved off the idea. "I cant." I said. "Why not?" "I don't have the courage or confidence." I explained. She tried to convince me to go ask him to dance, but I refused. "Peggy..." I started. "Thank you for your support, I appreciate you trying to help... but it's hopeless." I sighed. She looked at me pitifully. "Don't say that..." she put her hand on my shoulder. "It's true. Well, this is what I get for falling in love with my best friend." I smiled sadly. "John it hurts me to see you heartbroken like this." She said. "It hurts me more than it hurts you. But, he has the entire school of girls... but I dont." I sighed. "Go have fun Peggy, I'll be fine." She sighed again and kissed the top of my head sisterly. "Alright..." she didn't sound sure, but she went anyway. I took a deep breath and walked up to Alex, who was sitting by himself drinking punch.

I sat next to him. "Hey John!" He exclaimed. "Hey! How are ya?" I asked. "Better now that I'm talking to you." He said. I felt my face turn red. He started ranting abouy Jefferson and how much he hates him, and a bunch of other stuff I blocked out. I lost track of what he was saying and just stared at his beautiful eyes and let his angelic voice take me to another universe. I loved listening to him talk, I don't care what it is he's saying, I just love him talking to me. "Hello, earth to John." He waved a hand across my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I just said: The aliens are coming to steal the cake, and you didn't bat an eye." He said with a light chuckle. "Sorry, I kinda got lost in your words." I said without thinking. "I mean- I just like hearing ya talk." I corrected myself. Did i just say that? Stupid John. "Really? I thought I was just being annoying." He said. "No! You being annoying? Never." I said, clearly being sarcastic. "Hey!" He slapped my arm playfully. "But seriously, your not annoying. I love hearing ya talk." I swear I saw a light blush on his cheeks. Now's your chance! Ask him to dance with you! Tell him how you feel! I took a deep breath, but He stood up rather quickly. "I'm so sorry John I will be right back." He said and walked away. "Okay..." My heart dropped. Why is it every time I'm about to tell him how i feel, something happens? I took a step forward and reached out my hand to stop him before he left. "A-"

I stopped.

I looked where he went, and there he is standing with Eliza. He was smiling and blushing with Eliza. He rubbed his neck, something he does when he's nervous. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I lowered my hand and clenched my fists. Eliza leaned up and kissed Alex on the cheek. My heart shattered. I watched with a broken heart as Alex led Eliza onto the dance floor and put his hands around her waist. My chest felt like it was being crushed by a car. It was an unimaginable pain to see the person i love have their arms around someone else that is not you. Alex smiled and laughed with her. He hasn't smiled like that since... since kindergarten. He looked so happy with Eliza. A single tear rolled down my cheek. The floor was blurry from the tears welding up in my eyes. Goodbye love, you flew out of my reach, now your gone.

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